i'm 10 hours in now. you all lied to me didn't you. it never actually gets good. it's just the combat is such a clunky mess i don't see how they could turn it around to something that actually becomes fun.
I'm 10 hours in now. you all lied to me didn't you. it never actually gets good...
told you to play berseria
Why would you recommend an even worse game?
game isn't known for good combat but overall package
if you want combat go for graces f, hearts r, xillia 2 or berseria
I just clocked 150 hours.
Cool game, never liked any other Tales of.
Tales games are shounen rpg's user. They're aimed at middle school kids who aren't really critical or smart, and are pumped out incredibly quickly to turn a profit. When there's 458 games in a series and they come out every year, you know it's a gigantic red flag.
>game from over a decade ago, feels like a game from over a decade ago
With the time you wasted posting that you could have looked on youtube how the game looks and how the gameplay is and think if it would be worth your time or not.
we have this thread every day and i strongly doubt there's actually someone new picking up this game every day who just happens to be a Zig Forumsirgin
>10 hours in
it gets good at the 15 hour mark
the one game in the series that everyone hates the most had three years of dead space between it and the game before, dipshit
please user tell me. what happens 5 hours from now that makes the game good?
It recently entered on Gamepass and was in a big sale on PS4.
Lots of people are trying, I guess.
your balls drop
Yuri becomes Vigilante.
It's capable of being good but not really intuitive at all. I love the game but most people probably mash their way through, not really comprehending half of the systems available and it's all explained so poorly that I can't really blame them. Xillia 2 is the actual best game in the series from a gameplay perspective.
Haha! Got'em!
They got me too :(
Symphonia is the only good Tales game. Vesperia and Abyss duke it out for DISTANT second and the rest aren't even worth mentioning. The newer games are especially bad.
i gave up on this game at the 3rd tweedle a/b fight. throwing random difficulty spikes at me without even letting me save forcing me to skip tons of dialogue before i can try again is just annoying. also funny how when you look up a guide for any of these awful boss fights the first thing it says is to put the game on easy. even they know how poorly balanced and shit these fights are.
You sound like a button mashing moron. Stick to Kingdom Hearts.
Vesperia's biggest failure is how slow and boring the early combat is compared to lategame. Judith goes from barely being able to reach the enemy to having like 3 jumps, 4 air dashes, and a teleport.
Yuri dies
>you all lied to me didn't you. it never actually gets good.
No, that's what we were fucking WARNING you about. We warned you about Tales games, bro.
Zig Forums "warns" you that literally everything is shit
it's a jrpg user of course it's not good.
>plays a non turn based jrpg
>is surprised when the combat is shit
25 hours in right now, the combat is great and you're just bad at it.
You get the girl with the spear that makes the combat fun.
it's hard to want to get good at something so boring. how did you even get that far without becoming comatose?
Tales is a shit serie
The only one worth playing is phantasia
you're a fucking paint eating moron for ever "listening" to anyone online but I happen to agree that this game is utter shit.
I really don't understand why it's praised so much.
>you're just bad at it
this is always the cope people first reach for when they can't defend the game
If you think that shitty fucking wolf in the beginning of the game was hard whatsoever, it's YOU that's shit
>hurr durr wait til wolf pushes your shit in XD
I genuinely enjoyed Berseria until I was about halfway through the game and realized that it wasn't going to get any harder. Disappointing, I'm waiting for the next Tales game and hoping it's not so trivially easy
>inb4 people say I only spammed Violet
The Tales games aren't very good. They're similar to Kingdom Hearts in quality of gameplay and storytelling. Very simple, made for children.
I liked SNES Phantasia and ToAbyss. I didn't like any of the others, though