is it just me or does he come across as a total jerk?
Is it just me or does he come across as a total jerk?
>dismissive of fans outside of Japan
>"has never heard of" game franchises that beat him to certain innovations
>keeps Mario cemented in a strict and narrow formula that devs are not allowed to deviate from
>doesn't even acknowledge the Mother fanbase outside of Japan
>takes credit for other people's works
Nah f a m, he's totally a heckin cool uncle to all gamers
>knows senpai is filtered
>has to type it anyway
Killyourself anytime
Yeah sure thing, f a m
I know you're being an ironic since he's based.
Killyourself anytime you fucking niggercoon
memes aside, you should always be wary of these successful creative types who try to sell themselves as inspirational/wacky. in most cases they are actually massive cunts, and that's how they got in their position
Zig Forums's attempts to cancel miyamoto will never not amuse me
He does. But he hasn't made a game since 1995. He's a producer not a game maker. And his infuriating and totalitarian decisions are actually really smart from a business perspective. So he's actually doing his job exceptionally well.