Why does every game have to be an RPG or have RPG elements now?

Why does every game have to be an RPG or have RPG elements now?

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Lack of ideas, there is a reason why remakes and remasters are so big now.

To artificially extend the play length of the game.

why are you a giant faggoty shill who keeps making these threads. that is the real question.

the fuck are you taking about nigger?

it all started with JRPGs
visual novel with turnbased battles is NOT an RPG
it barely qualifies as a videogame

Why do they give a fuck how long you play the game for? not like it makes them more money right?

Cuz u can mtc the shit out of them and call it "time savers"

Growing numbers trigger easy dopamine hits

Have to add random shit, so it seems new.

Pretty much this
It gives people the idea their money was worth something, there is a reason why many people get mad when a game is 10 hours or less

Because it sells.

Also, it's easy. Why break your head over meaningfull progression when you can just slap new numbers on identical gear? Progression y'all.

>Because it sells.
I played like 3 of these hyper long, action RPG games and got bored. what the fuck kind of sheep keep buying these shit games holy shit

so you can brag about your game being deep and complex

It's an easy path to sell microtransactions

>I played like 3...

There's your answer.

We're dissappointed. New title comes out. People get hyped. You decide to give it a go because nothing else was published anyway. We're dissappointed again. Repeat.

you can buy one game and play it whole year. then just get the new one next year. that way you don't burn out and average people don't play much. maybe like 5 hours a week or something.

>open world
>action game with rpg elements
>millions of boring sidequests
Fuck off

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>millions of boring sidequests
You forgot to mention that they are the same 3 quests pasted over and over.

It does, actually. It's a metric that they can go to investors and say "remember when you gave us money last time? Well look how long people were playing that game for that you paid for, that shows people want to spend ages paying our games. Now if you give us twice as much money, we can make two games and you can get twice the return!"
And then they just make two identical games using the same assets anyway.

and fishing. Fucking fishing

Assembly line videogame development innit?
Instead of wasting too much time on the design stage, just take a tried and true method and create the assets. Open world action games with RPG elements and collectibes are the military shooters of our time.

The same kind of person that watches every blockbuster, reads only what's on the bestseller shelf, listens to whatever is topping the radio charts and is up to date on whatever show all their friends are watching. Marketing creates popularity and then it snowballs from there and spreads among anyone who isn't into the hobby strongly enough to develop his tastes and become picky.

Western RPG anything does not belong in games without a custom character of your own to play as.

Good rpg = dialogue choices and branching storyline
Bad rpg = stats and skill points

Is every modern AAA game basically the same?

Yes. and people will keep buying them regardless. Iv'e been having more fun going back and playing older games and indies recently.

>open world with stats, collectibles and a number in the title
You tell me.

Trendy. It'll disappear

grinding and stat-faggotry to fuel microtransactions

people bitch games are too expensive to last 8hours so now every game is a bloated grind fest

They are.
The fix here is cutting the retardedly bloated budgets instead of padding the games out. But we all know it's not going to happen.

where the fuck does all the money go. Half these companies don't even pay their employees properly