
>La la la la la la

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What's the name of that cat again?

One of the most retarded mechanics in Souls games.
Black Tom.

>tfw White Lanters are Dolls that got to close to the abyssal nightmare

How Demon's Souls was ruined:

1. Unfaithful redesigns of bosses, enemies and entire levels that ruin the environmental story telling, lore and atmosphere of the real orignal Demon's Souls.
2. Remade soundtrack that sounds like it belongs in Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne. Demon's Souls soundtrack had its own identity with a simple yet impactful elegant charm.
3. The animations look stiff and do not have the same quality and feeling as From Software animations.
4. They added a PAUSE FUNCTION to a Souls games.
5. Digital Deluxe Edition and the Pre-Order bonus offer EXCLUSIVE weapons and armor.
6. Digital Deluxe Edition offers a paid semi-easy mode with all the Souls you get right at the start.
7. Forced changes based on a Feminist/SJW/Diversity political agenda:
- Male and Female replaced by Body Type A and Body Type B.
- The Crestfallen Warrior raceswapped to Black.
- Boletarian Royalty raceswapped to Black.
- Fat Official now has a WHITE FACE, because BLACK PEOPLE can't be EVIL, WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL! Enemies can't have a BLACK FACE, that is RACISM!
8. Dumbed down the game further by adding 8-directional rolling, while Demon's Souls combat, bosses and enemies were designed for 4-directional rolling. This is casualization, painfully obvious.
9. Preset female faces are all SJW trannyfreaks with colored hair, uglified females, all races, typical garbage you expect from these abominations.

If you buy this abomination, you are not a true fan of Hidetaka Miyazaki, From Software and Soulsborne games. The definitive version of Demon's Souls is the PS3 version, emulated on PC at 4K 60-120FPS.

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Fuck off retard, this is my thread and this thread is about Bloodborne

When will we get a 60fps version on PS5 or a PC port?

filtered, stay out.

Don't invade comfy BB threads with this, please. I'm not even a Sonyfag

>not going so insane that your blood doesn't explode out of your pores


Gamergate was a mistake.

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GamerGate was a necessary evil

>life was a mistake

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You have to have some kind of mental illness to put that much effort into baiting

rent free, blogger

How does SKL/BLT work for a build? I'm thinking of running that on my first character if it ever comes out on PC.

is it ded?

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These fucking things actually made me quit a few times. But I really hope From makes a 60fps patch for Bloodborne on ps5. I still don’t understand why From has to do it, doesn’t Sony own Bloodborne? Why can’t they just fucking do it.

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It's a copypasta, my guy. It's been around for a bit already.


Perty good. Reiterpallach was always a favorite weapon of mine, especially because it's name is an Armored Core 4A reference

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negro mensch

Sony does own Bloodborne but they don't really care about the IP.
It sold at most 3 million copies, and while FROM games are more popular now than ever, they may just not think the interest is there and that the patch won't be profitable.

I wonder what those black spears that stick into your brain and dissipate when you get out of LOS are supposed to be.

They're just a visual representation of your character's mind being assaulted. A narrative dissonance, not meant to be taken literally.

>You have to have some kind of mental illness to put that much effort into baiting

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what do you guys like to snack on while playing bloodborne?

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How does that change what I said

how possible is it to start a fresh game and make it to queen yarnham nowadays? She's my last trophy I need for platinum but I'm hesitant to even attempt it because I imagine the playerbase is dead so I'll likely be soloing everything. I can solo the main game just fine but some of those chalice dungeons, especially the 1/2 health ones, not sure I want to struggle through that again, especially without help.

A man from Nigeria
Cute singing voice.

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Post retarded builds. My only playthrough has been with Chads Holy Blade and I mostly ignored firearms. Looking for something polar opposite to that (stronk gunz and "dagger"?)

It doesn't, I'm just commenting on it.

Water is not a snack, but a very good drink
Glad you're staying hydrated user

If you have a save already just continue it from there. Chalice's are a grind but managable, maybe 20 hours if you dont get filtered by defiled dungeon. Look up materials needed for the later dungeons so you dont waste time grinding