Is the AAA crash here?

Is the AAA crash here?

Attached: oh no no no no no.png (647x799, 139.31K)

No because for the most part they will sell no matter what.

This. Even if EA shuts down everything but their sports division it'll still stay afloat.

Watch dogs was always fucking mediocre, in fact anything Ubisoft produces is mediocre at best

Ubisoft is dead, they just produce the same games with different paint, only the most basic human being likes this shit.

You literally can't kill them, there are too many people who buy purely because they were told to by an ad.

A crash is about sales, not scores.

Bugsnax is an indie game. Also no you dipshit zoomer

People buy aaa games because they like pretty graphics and flashy gameplay

Oh, cool, now tell me who made more money

I mean, is it necessarily bad that they put out mediocre games? Legion is not terrible, it's just meh, so it has a right to exist.

I got the Division 2 for free and AC odyssey pirated. I just could not continue playing them after a couple hours. There is no excitement in knowing that I will be doing the exact same thing for another 50 hours. I do not know how people play ubisoft open world games. I even borrowed Horizon Zero Dawn from my brother and quit within the first few hours after the map started to reveal the ubification.

No, because consolefags will eat this shit up no matter what.

Attached: Console gacha.png (820x858, 81.19K)

not fully true. ubisoft reflections (their only good studio) still makes games that aren't just reskins of asscreed. that's it, though.

No. Just look at the reviews the new asscreed is getting. The journos will continue to prop the publishers up

I don’t know anyone that enjoyed watch dogs or wants that shit game

Is Bugsnax even a single A.

No. Normalfags don't give a fuck if the game is good or not. They'll still sell hundreds of millions of dollars worth. EA in particular can be kept entirely afloat with their dogshit sports games. Spics, niggers, and normalfag white dudes have been buying the same game every year for 2 decades.

I'm fairly certain that FIFA's revenue alone more than covers the development and marketing costs of everything EA puts out.

I think it's just Ubisoft. They've been coasting on fumes for awhile.

oh God I wish it was here

Ubisoft is pushing out as much shit as they can to try and convince people to subscribe to their subscription service.

yea because normies check metacritic before they buy games
you guys are far into your shells its unbelievable

>posts 2 shitty games

Bugsnax is AAA?

Legion is awful if you consider the state they released it in. The game itself is meh but the current state of it is shit, can't even play it on my ps4 without crashes every hour and the latest patch made it worse.

No, not here yet. You dudes will buy anything.

you played bugsnack already?

>sells 10 million copies
What crash?
Pretty graphics and burning half the budget on marketing is all you need to create an instant success.

both games will be able to get a sequel because investors don't care about what they pay for anymore.

Profit margins