Do you have any...?

Attached: Do you have any.png (591x593, 474.42K)

Game's Zig Forums likes?

Attached: 2.png (625x617, 457.79K)


Attached: no.png (494x593, 323.86K)

safe for work images of Max?

>"Sorry Sam. Look's like we'll just have to stick to our bait threads to get some entertainment this afternoon"

Attached: Capture.png (668x569, 558.08K)

Attached: NooO.png (416x371, 235.83K)

Do you have any copies of Cyberpunk 2077?

Attached: doyou.png (588x592, 470.92K)

Attached: Nope.png (493x589, 321.55K)

i bet he doesn't have any good sam & max vr game ...

>"Eughhhh, but Saaaaam, I let Flint Paper handle our cases this week so we could plaaaay."

Attached: Maxx.png (545x617, 539.18K)

Do you have any... Lazily constructed and haphazardly thrown together Virtual Reality games using our likeness?

Attached: howabout.png (582x583, 460.46K)

Yes actually

Attached: ElfBosco.png (372x375, 216.68K)

>"Eh, we don't have a VR set anyway"

Attached: bunny.png (665x562, 551.62K)

Do you have any... Images of Wojaks mixed with Frogs and lightly sprinkled with drawn japanese women laughing at the camera?

Attached: Nuoo.png (284x281, 133.57K)

Heheh Based Bunny and Dog thread

Do you have any...rule 63 S&M?

Do you have any... Devilishly constructed Mail-in ballot printers?

Attached: sam.png (564x570, 439.58K)

Sorry Sam, I already sold em

Attached: Boscovich.png (532x481, 349.47K)

>"What? To who?"

Attached: Maxxy.png (613x548, 508.27K)

Attached: Episode 2.jpg (1024x768, 131.36K)

Attached: SAMA.jpg (540x338, 38.19K)

Holy based

Attached: tenor.gif (450x336, 2.05M)



Attached: ComedyGold.png (690x611, 604.63K)

Attached: Patriokek.jpg (372x336, 48.03K)

Attached: 40.jpg (600x528, 48.57K)

Attached: KEK.jpg (410x381, 55.53K)


Attached: nice.png (220x234, 140.04K)

Do you have any... video game consoles prone to massive overheating?

Mm hmm

Attached: Momma Bosca.png (410x494, 331.99K)

Do you have any.... Smash Threads?

well done

Attached: 1583073307367.jpg (1062x1080, 143.27K)

Do you have any remakes/remasters that actually recapture or even surpass the original?

Attached: sam.png (436x500, 247.12K)