>hype the shit out of your "revolutionary 3D audio processor/engine"
>don't include support for the industry leading audio formats
Explain this
No Atmos on PS5
Other urls found in this thread:
is it good or bad ?
atmos is the industry leading 3D audio format
Wasn't Dolby bought by razer?
They chose not to use Dolby Atmos because it only uses 30ish sound sources not the hundreds they want to make available to devs.
Source: youtu.be
dolby went and debunked that FUD. atmos supports hundreds of sound sources as well.
Pretty sure Sony didn't use dolby because they created their own sound shit. Didn't part of their really old ps4 conference say something about it way back? I can't remember which one since it's too long ago.
See you when Sony sells 100 million PS5s
Interesting, what a blunder.
and Dominos sells 3 million pizzas a day, what's your point?
see and
Sony have been the soundchads since the 70's, don't delude yourself this is one are where they're actually competent
One bonus is the PS5 audio is free to use I guess.
I'm getting xbox but the difference here is rather clear. If I got PS5 I can use this 3D technology out of the box with any headphones connected to the controller.
On the other hand, Dolby is proprietary shit that you have to pay subscription and only works on TV's that support it and on audio devices that support it, meaning that I literary cannot use it unless I spend $2000+ on shit that I don't need to have 3D audio gimmick.
Ps5 is better
What absolute garbage.
How is a receiver supposed to process a proprietary format like that? AFAIK most receivers only support 7.1 channels.
It's headphone only at the moment, but they said the plan is to support TV speakers, soundbars etc.
I love how every single comparison chart has just straight up forgotten about the original launch Xbox One VCR
Sony ALWAYS lies. For PS2 they showed a video of thousands of leaves blowing around and said "audio for each one is being simulated in real time."
You gotta be shitting me.
They simply didn't want to pay Dolby the license
15 bucks for the atmos plus any pair of good headphones, what 2000 dollars are you talking about?
Probably would have been cheaper to pay Dolby than develop their own hardware.
it's a sound chip
Xbox has one too, it just supports dolby
3D audio is usually a meme. Either the game does the 3D audio by itself or there's none. Using this shitty filters like Atmos and Window's Sonic just takes the 2 channel audio and wraps it up trying ti mimick 3D. It's awful.
If you want actual 3D, you can try OpenAL HRFT with games that support it, such as STALKER and the first Prey.
Overwatch also includes PROPER Dolby Atmos inside.
>PROPER Dolby Atmos
What's the difference between shitty filters and proper Atmos? Is it like HRTF?
atmos is not industry leading
it's placebo
what Sony has is better
also the PS5 is getting Dolby Vision and Atmos, they're waiting for certification