What's your kind of girl user?
What's your kind of girl user?
The dead and six feet under kind of girl.
The ones that really fight for their lives when I rape and decapitate them
cute and funny
I like the dead part, but not buried. A fresh body is always nice.
I like chocolate milk
One that doesn't exist and has a dick.
quiet, cheerful and subservient.
just how they were meant to be and like.
you're gay but that one with the tongue looks pretty damn good.
kys faggots
>teehee im autistic and i'm a girl btw
No autistic would behave like that
A good chance it's fake but if not, actually kinda wholesome
>harley quin look
jesus fucking christ
seethe, roastie
I'm not gay. I just think short hair is pretty and I like girls I can relate to and share interests with.
>fake tits
Reminder that he uses his money for a HRT transgender transition.
I'm hispanic so naturally I'll go with a white girl to give my son an advantage in life.
A girl I find attractive, and has her own hobbies. Sharing a few is fine, but I'd never want a girl who plays vidya as a main hobby. Vidya is where I unwind in general, which can include being a short-lived escape from her female bullshit.
Luckily I just started a relationship like that. She just likes to sit quietly and read, giving sparse commentary on what I'm playing. It's pretty nice.
not coal burning westernized west asian used up anti-white women that's for sure
boomer by Zig Forums standards, adhere to my list younganons.
>no tattoos
>doesnt frequent social media
>not feminist
>maintains health
>well spoken
>sense of humor
>seeks improvement
Don't settle for less.
you won't get ant titty ever, fake or real
The 2d anthro kind
She should have sex in public.
wow thanks captain obvious
got anymore magical old man advice?
>doesn't feel awkward making a video
>has the confidence to record herself and post it online
>feels comfortable dancing outside
I call bullshit.
32 year old boomer here. Thought I found this a few years back, she checked all those marks, so I proposed and three months later she slept with my best friend.
Fuck women.
why do women like to pretend they have a mental illness when they obviously don't?
is this from a porn? pls say yes.
>I'm so nervous so I'll broadcast my life in public while being so exuberant
Is there an honest woman alive?
Actual boomer here.
All women are whores.
The kind of girl with really large breasts. Oh and also 2D
Doesn't matter, no girl will ever go near me.
Biologically female.
The ones who post tits with timestamp.
Yes but actually no.
A girl that can fight, has muscle and can keep her liquor.
A skinny, pale and edgy emo like the ones I was surrounded by in high school.
The ones with vaginas
Tall blondes.
My gf is perfect but she has severe depression. If she had self esteem she probably wouldnt be with me
big ass and tiny waist are all I seek
Who is this semen demon? I think I've seen her on youtube or TV once.
Imagine being so autistic that you don't realize when someone is mocking another.
She's making fun of autists, because autists are literal subhumans.
No this from some German x yyyy language yt channel. Think she was French or with French accent. Cute tho
what ever happened to her?
How's the HRT going?
Ah yes, if you can spot when someone is making ironic remarks to laugh at people you are a tranny.
How about you get actual social skills instead of pretending you have them?
That way you won't make fool out of yourselves when you actually have to socialize.
For me as a regular white guy, its hoodrat black girls