And Steam!
And Steam!
Then let me download it, you Japanazi fucks.
preloads are overrated anyways
based retards
Steam download fucking when
and Torrent!
In about 5 hours.
We used to get new releases unlocked at either midnight or by 10 am in the U.S., the last 3 games I've bought were released late in the day of, while Australia had it for 20 hours prior. Idk what is going on with these releases.
I would buy it but my region got shat on if you want to play it on PC due to being in the middle of timed exclusive wars. Pirating the fuck out of it instead.
Yeah, someone must have messed up this one.
My fav release was Doom Eternal. Plugin in that VPN to New Zealand and start playing a day earlier.
Doom Eternal was the one I was thinking of, I got my Australia VPN just to start the download at around 17:00, people had been playing it all day by that point. I don't think I was 'allowed' to play the game until 23:00
steamie BTFO
pre loads are literally only for third worlders with trash internet, so who the fuck cares?
hey, that's me
>no PS5 version
xbox wins again
It's November 10th at 16:25 over here.
its November 11th here
You have to wait until march 2021, snoy.
>Xbox Series X at 4K mode runs at 30 fps with occasional drop to 29 fps, other modes are irrelevant btw
>PS5 however runs at the game at 1080p resolution with rock solid 30 fps cap, another win to the Sony
Don't call me snoy you tranny, I´m taliking about the pc release.
You probably should be sleeping by now user.
never forget
Do Steamoids really?
And my axe!
soon, steambros
So is this related to the other Yakuza games or is it standalone? Haven't played any game in the series, know next to nothing about it but this game looks fun.
Currently playing kiwami 2, then I'm replaying 3-4-dead souls-5-6, then I'll start 7
I’m playing on it right now and have had the game for about 15 hours now :)
It is standalone
Any new minigames you rike?
It's a soft reboot. It's the 7th mainline game in the series they just renamed it in the west. It's still continuing off of the story of 5 and 6 and even spoils two things of 6, but the main character and his cast are brand new and anything returning is treated as if you've never seen them before.
And very soon I will pirate it!
Microsoft paid to delay the ps5 version
some butthurt fags have been raiding the steam forums with spoilers of the game. may want to avoid, not like it really matters but this is what happens with Sega and their incompetence. They even locked the forums at one point because Sega doesn't have any fucking moderators so Steam had to step in.
That's right. Xkings just can't stop winning.
I loved Yakuza 0 but have 0 interest in this. The gameplay looks stupid and the characters are like some fucking clown troupe. Half the appeal of Yakuza was Kiryu and Majima.
>it's true
They're both in the game. People still clamoring for kiryu need to grow up. He was "getting out" of the yakuza from Game 1. Counting zero we have 7 mainline yakuza games in which kiryu is still fucking around with the yakuza, he needs some rest
Fuck off secondary.
make no mistake, it's 3rd worlders angry at no pre-load. I completely understand why they're upset, no pre-load, not even a single rep at Sega will say anything to us. I get it, but it's ridiculous.
Idc, the new character looks like a fucking retard.