Checking out Cyberpunk twitter after rumors about the game being delayed again

>checking out Cyberpunk twitter after rumors about the game being delayed again
>last tweet is almost weeks old and a gif about some guy who fucks up his food experiments and sees everything fail

Attached: asdasd.png (608x585, 286.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They are probably ashamed about the delay and they feel like no jocking around until they have:
>a new NCW to talk about the game
>game gets GOLD in shitty old consoles

I increasingly believe that the game will be delayed again...

I read someone say that their problem is that their day 1 patch didn't pass certifications. Which sounds likely. Perhaps they tried to cram up too much graphics for the PS4 and now they're trying to optimize it to get 30 fps and it's going bad.

The new rumor is that the engine doesn't work and theyll have to start over from scratch

kek that's ridiculous no way that's true because Sony wouldn't have approved it in the first place.
I'm convinced it has to do with performance. They most likely playtest on beefy PS5s or devkits and they left optimizations for last.

They've tweeted a few times since then, but they certainly aren't very active. That tweet is from a few days after the delay announcement. The social media team probably feels pretty burned after management fucked them like that. I do too, because looking at that shit again made me realize the game was supposed to be coming out next Thursday, fuck.
According to the investor call made shortly after the announcement, the game passed cert but is in a real shit state on PS4/One. It failing to pass cert certainly makes more sense than them trying to get last minute QC in for no real reason, considering people will buy it anyway and the marketing budget is now bloated to all fuck.

what kind of mechanics do they have?

yeah it's not great having to deal with annoyed people sending death threats

Reminder that this chubby little asian succeeded in making a cheese fountain soon after. Bless that little fatty