What would you do if all your friends learned everything about your gaming activity?

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I don't have friends so nothing. Not like I play anything I'm ashamed of. If I want to play something, I do. If you're ashamed of what you play, you must be underage.

All of my friends DO know.

They already know all I do is play videogames but they simply don't give a fuck, they aren't into games, I'm all alone

>how did this dude play every game uploaded to f95 in a month

most have a pretty good idea, wouldn't even bother strangers really since I'm not a 6/10 and under

>No Friends
>No Job
>No Family
>No Education
>Kissless, hugless, handholdless, talkless virgin

do i kms myslef

It's not like I've ever played a game I was embarrassed to play

I don't really play an absurd amount of videogames