Remember that time the Ion Fury (Formerly Ion Maiden) devs censored the game because of Resetera and basically told the fans to fuck off and their game flopped because Resetera trannies don't buy games and the fans didn't want to support their shitty decision? Classic.
ULTRAKILL is really good. Its combat and movement are much different than classic FPS, more like Titanfall. The DMC-style meter is a neat feature, but only if you care about getting S rank in everything.
I've been having fun with ion maiden. Kinda pissed Dusk got delayed on Switch.
Daniel Nguyen
are any of those worth getting? I can only get one during black friday
Luke Baker
unfortunate too, it's fucking great!
Christian Lee
isn't it barebones when it comes to content? this is why I'm staying away from early access boomer shooters
Adam Ross
15 levels plus two secret ones. The length required to beat them all isn't long but to get perfect S-rank takes MUCH longer. There's also a horde mode if your into that. Download the Demo on Steam and see if you like it.
Samuel Morales
I've played Dusk and Amid Evil. Dusk was bretty gud but I thought Amid Evil was amazing, I've beaten it several times. Im surprised most here seem to dislike it, it really clicked with me. Prodeus looks great, I dig the art style but I'll probably wait a bit.
that doesnt sound so bad its kinda cringe that they changed it tho
Jaxon Edwards
All Day Dying is decent enough
Luke Turner
What a dumb joke too
Ethan Lewis
it wasn't even in the actual game, it was an asset left in that someone found
Liam Wright
Fuck em'! Torrented that shit. New Blood can have my money though
Joseph Wood
Wrath is probably my favorite It feels like a proper sequel to Quake 1
Dylan Ross
Just played Elderborn. 9/10 game. Only complaint was that it is too short. The best first person melee I've ever experienced, better than Dark Messiah. 2nd best game this year for me after Doom Eternal. Going for another play through on the highest difficulty.
Carson Lee
>it wasn't even in the actual game It was and still is.
I'm waiting for it to be finished. Not used to shooters like this but I like how it feels.
Jordan Jackson
These games are incredibly generic and boring at this point. None of them try to do anything vaguely original.
Nathan Fisher
>Dusk Babby's first Quake mod done poorly >Amid Evil K at best if you can look past the ugly art style >Ion Maiden Boring >Prodeus A visual clusterfuck that does nothing better than a nuDoom mod in OG Doom >Ultrakill 75% boring trash, 25% garbage boss fights that are trial by fire >Wrath The only title with a possibly decent outcome. They need to A) stop making eveyr level be "dude spawn in after every room you enter" and B) work on the level design. No way this is by the same people that did AD. They show the most promise by actually fixing the garbage fang gun
Julian Turner
t. no fun faggot
Nolan Moore
do you enjoy anything in life?
Jordan Martinez
I'm curious then, user What games would you recommend?
Hudson Cook
doom eternal
Christopher Hernandez
t. Wrath dev
Lincoln Green
What does Doom Eternal offer than these games do not?
Not the fag that responded to you but as already mentioned, Wrath. Arcane Dimension if you have tried that. Otherwise, any Doom mod can offer what these game do but better
t. new blood devs. Where's the fun in your games? I thought you fags would've stopped trying this hard to be "kewl bewmers" and be original
Luke Carter
it's almost like devs found out people will buy unfinished games
Oliver Cruz
Small dev teams plus they need a whole lot of enemies and levels to be good
Tyler Ross
>t. new blood devs You retarded? The guy shit on Ion Fury which is under the same umbrella as Wrath.
Juan Parker
>Otherwise, any Doom mod can offer what these game do but better
>it's better because it's 30 years old
ok retard
Mason Thomas
Never said that, schizo. >inb4 old good, new bad. I'd honestly say Doom and Quake 1 are the best retro shooters. Everything else is ok to bad. Got into them roughly 3 years ago and I have no idea how anyone could say garbage like Dusk is GOTY.
Jackson Allen
And I'm supposed to know he's the game guy how? Confirmed retarded shill that forgot to be anonymous