This is Lin Fa from Rune Factory 4, and you cannot marry her in game

This is Lin Fa from Rune Factory 4, and you cannot marry her in game.

Attached: Lin_Fa.png (299x425, 155.5K)

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I'd rather marry her daughter Xiao Pai, so that's fine.

This is Simone from Rune Factory 5, and you will not be able to marry her in her game.

Attached: Rune-Factory-5_2020_11-11-20_003.jpg (600x614, 81.52K)


Why do the devs hate us?

>Loli fox not marriageable

Marvelous really does hate us.

Is it confirmed

never ever factory

Attached: 1604129402972.jpg (1000x1000, 225.1K)

Attached: 1536041593910.gif (205x234, 96.18K)