I fucking hate her so god damn much

I fucking hate her so god damn much

Attached: Max_Caulfield.png (1920x1088, 1.44M)

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Everyone with an IQ in the triple digits hates her.

I love her so much

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Can't be worse than Chloe


That is true, BtS makes her more likeable but also 10 times more unbearable somehow

why though

This game inspired me to drive from Georgia to Washington so I could see the Pacific Northwest. The plot was mediocre, characterization and script lacking. But it had soul, and the setting appealed to me. The small town of Arcadia Bay even if fictional was something that I longed for in life. There was a cozy warmth to it that I never knew existed. I wanted to experience that comfort for myself. The trip was perhaps the most beneficial thing I have ever done for my personal growth. It really helped me to sort through all kinds of issues I was dealing with at the time and I like to think that I found my soul somewhere in the Olympic National Park. Not religion but a peace of mind that made me feel whole, complete even. I disappeared from my shit town, didn't tell anyone where I was going. Left my parents, the shitty relationship I was in, my shitty job and just did something for me. Something solely for my own benefit.

I encourage you to do the same. Find inspiration from something. Even if it is this shit game and go do it. Live, experience, enjoy life and more importantly. Enjoy yourself.

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Same bro. Though I only made it 5-6 hours into the game due to losing brain cells

Oh my fucking God, this.