What did we think of this game?

What did we think of this game?

Attached: dbz kakarot.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

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You think it's fun.

Same shit, new generation. Bring back the rosters of the PS2 games, without ANY DLC.

Before release, hyped. It was finally a game that wasn't just fighting like Xenoverse or FighterZ.
Now that it was released, it was clear it was rushed mid-way.
The Saiyan and Freiza saga had the most effort put into them, while Cell and Buu saga had the least effort.
A good example of this would be Android 18 vore scene and Cell becoming perfect.
They don't show how 18 get absorbed DESPITE always being shown in previous games that retell the story(Or in official media like the manga/anime), and Cell becoming perfect is just a mere small explosive. Not anything amazing like previous games or official media.
It's so lazy, which is a shame since this game could have been good.
At least there's Android 21 DLC.

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If they wanted to make an open world dragon game why not set it during the 3 years solo traveling training that was skipped over instead of rehashing the existing plot

shit game, pretty cutscenes.


I dropped it right at the start of the buu saga. It had a lot of fluff and boring shit added to it that didn't matter. A giant skill tree with skills locked behind stupid progression goals, and time-gated shit.

A lot of the "grinding" didn't feel like it served a purpose. It was just mindless collection for the player to do because autism.

B-bejita bros..


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