Was "Tunnel Snakes" really a euphemism for penises?

Was "Tunnel Snakes" really a euphemism for penises?

Attached: fo4 tunnel snakes.jpg (1136x961, 95.9K)

No. They're in a tunnel and they want to sound dangerous so they used "snakes"

We're the Tunnel Snakes. That's us. And we rule!

No, it means shit. The tunnel is the anus and the snake is a stringy piece of shit. What would be the tunnel be if it meant penis? The foreskin?

It just meant they are gay

Do the Tunnel Snakes even know what a snake actually looks like?

I played it for the first time in 2010
Butch disappeared after that scene
He didn’t appear during the part where you save his mom from radroaches or in rivetcity he was just gone

>vault has less than 200 inhabitants
>decide to form a gang just to fuck with people

Doesn't sound like a very smart idea.

Tunnel snakes rule!

> I can show you a real Tunnel Snake, Amata.