How did we go from this....

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Every single new icon is the worst fucking thing I've ever laid eyes on

You just know they're all for the mobile game shit

Honestly the thing that bothers me the most are the new icons are too fucking detailed and the backgrounds blend in so much with the actual item that its so hard to tell what the fuck you're looking at when they're small in your inventory and when tabbing. Also some items objectively look worse like Sorc Boots which I thought looked modern enough already.

WR has different items and a lot of the old items

t. wr chad

>three swords that loosely match the components
>can't even tell what it is supposed to be
This is fucking trash, glad I quit this garbage game a long time ago.

i like the shiny effect on the mythical items even if they look like they're from some shitty asian card game

This. I actually feel sick looking at the new icons.

This is terrible. This is a deliberate act. They really do want to take the soul away from vidya

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what the fuck????? I nearly jumped when I saw this, I stopped playing lol in 2015 what the fuck are they doing?