Do girls really do this

do girls really do this

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well yeah, girls act like girls

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this game looks like total shit

>tifa didn't just jump
>aerith didn't just freeze the water with magic
nice jrpg logic

What exactly?

>using magic outside of battle

Dude what?

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wtf does that mean. Is it a materia?

Do what? You mean the weird, unnatural hop they do?

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why not? magic is not a tool to merely kill enemies

We're never going to get to the end of this story at this pace

Cloud and Barret were closer and had more tension than those two.

>tfw this will be real soon

Barret treated that nigga like shit

this nigga been playin too much Genshin Impact

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they sure do

Sometimes, but only with their vaginas

in my animu they would have fell on the MC's body and his face in on their titts and they both would slap him and should baka

aerith has balance problems because she's trans

Thats how men show affection for each other. Its why Zig Forums is known as the friendliest place on the internet.

they should gangbang tifa haha

Gay ones, yeah.

Those two became best friends and haven't even realized it yet. Best part is running up all those stairs.

that scene with marelene had me thinking Barret was on coke, acting like Cloud punched his daughter lmfao

Barret wasnt liking Cloud in that point so any kind of problem would have annoyed him
specially if it was marlene
If you talk to barret after that scene he tells cloud that "you cant just go to a kid and look at them with killer eyes"


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>Cloud didn't just use a Phoenix Down on Aerith

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That got me thinking, it would be really cool if they added puzzles like golden sun instead of using psyenergy, they use materia magic. But that would bring some problems on how story develops later anyway. It would just became a "so why they just didnt/do this".
Thats why they never added materia or magic to be part of the story.

>the tfw when you will never leap into tifa's warm embrace

Not to you