Here's your next gen launch library, bro. That will be $499 + tip

Here's your next gen launch library, bro. That will be $499 + tip.

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What happened Bugsnax bros?

Bugsnax went "viral" for some reason and I never got why, the game looks mediocre anyway.

You have 5 seconds to justify buying a next gen console earlier than 2 years into it's cycle. Imagine paying $500 to beta test launch hardware and literally no content.

Consolefaggots really are the dumbest of the lot

kek. I'll just play DMC5 on my xbox. You can have the rest of that garbage

People were talkin' 'bout Bugsnax.

Is this the saddest launch lineup ever? I can't think of a single gen that was worse. Literally WHY would anyone buy a PS5 on launch?

And when is it even getting actual next gen games? Probably won't be any earlier than fall/winter 2021. Like I said you have to be an absolute retard to buy a PS5 at launch.

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Someone's gotta do it.

PS4 was worse. It literally only had Knack and Killzone Shadowfall. PS3 gets a lot of shit but Ridge Racer 7 was blasting 1080/60 and is amazing fun so I can't completely write it off.

Is Sackboy: A Big Adventure any good?
I'll take an alright platformer any day, even if it did look like a 3D World with worse movement

The only surprise is Astros Playroom this looked like a low budget title surprised its above 80.

I thought it would be a 70 title

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>All shit

Why did you hide demon souls?

Watching streams of this shit, THIS is your next-gen, Sony?

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It’s like 4-5 hours, but it’s a polished and free 4-5 hours

I just noticed this. Am I missing something?

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Astros Playroom is unironically soulful

Ask Sony since they didn't send review copies ahead of time.

Game pass really takes out that sting for me.

now post xboxs metacritic. oh wait...

You made me open rotten eggs to check. Was probably just Timmy's store fucking up as usual.

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they know onions bugmen will buy it regardless so they don't care about having any good games with the launch

Fuck me I got scared. Thanks user.

>paying monthly to rent games
>not knowing that they'll increase the price once they have a healthy userbase (they do)

It was just one marketing guy spamming the board

so it's 100% worth it to go next gen, cool

So this is the power of next gen..... $500 well spent

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DMC wins again

I was hoping for Bloodborne 4k 60fps but Sony didn't even bothered with it. Also, if you play some live service games like Destiny upgrading on day 1 is a no brainer.

>B-b-but xbox
Cope of the highest magnitude.

>literally Wii shovelware with motion controls
>$500 console, 2020

It got viral because it was showcased in a 'what next gen looks like' ps5 event and everyone made fun of how childish and not next gen it was. But once it was revealed to be KKB in charge of the theme song fans started shitposting about the crusher. Come on now.

I laugh at you, you've really played yourselves with all the emerging outcries of your beloved magic boxes committing Sudoku. Flocking to the stores, be it retail or online, to be the first ones to get shit on.
You probably make fun of Appledrones but fuck, you guys are on the same level. You're a bunch of massive faggots & your take on this is worth shit, so don't even bother. Losers who'd rather argue about petty little things like some girls in middle school, serves you right for not ONCE using that tumor you call a brain.
You've finally done it, really. Sod off and go bawl your eyes out in front of your mom so she can call you a disgrace again.

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It's no surprise as to why Bugsnax failed. The media conveniently hates it for redpilling the people.

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Critics are just going " WHOA I CAN BLOW ON THE CONTROLLER" and not focusing on the actual game and seeing it's shovelware at best

Honestly, I'm glad the lineup is so objectively awful. Don't have to feel the slightest bit bad about not buying one at launch, first worthwhile title is probably at least 6 months out.

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