GOT THE PS5 LETS FUCKING GO! Hahaha, I’ll be playing the best games only on PS while you losers watch that’s not on PS5

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Eddie Murphy?

Imagine playing garbage games on an air conditioner.

Look at him! So proud and happy, must have been his best theft

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Imagine gaming on Xbox/PC you fat white boy
Keep hating Drumpf fans.

Alright seriously, what is it about PlayStation that makes black people EXCLUSIVELY buy playstations? Every single one seems to own one.

imagine blowing $700 on fotm shit

You're better off buying a PS2 and collecting cheap PS1 and PS2 games, and a few hidden gems that are still only available on those platforms.
There is nothing worth while about these newer next gen consoles. Hell a PS3 would've been a better choice, the PS5 has even less games then that, and the PS3 doesn't even have any games.

>because xbox is for gay white suburban kids
So they have superior taste.

Post receipt

Based and vicepilled

what's the point there seems to be no games for it

the black man keeps getting played by the system


Damn what the fuck Jamal? I though you are oppressed n shit in america how can you afford brand new next-gen system on release?



Did he get pulled over and shot?

nah, no redneck were out that night. He made it safely home.

All you ugly white boys are mad that I got the PS5 and y’all didn’t. Xbox is shit and PC is hot trash. Sony will STAY winning. Suck my BIG BLACK COCK you whitey’s


I ain't hatin' you blind nigger, I am congratulating him.

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OP is a nerdy blac guy. Let's be honest, his dick is sub-5 inch. He is far from a tyrone.

He looks like he has gay nigger aids from having gay nigger sex

Ooooh, blacky wacky has fragility wility?

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America will be run by us, not you

>tree ornament immediately resorts to MUH DIK


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i am supporting the black man i am saying he got played

>*gets bred out of existence*
what did white men mean by this?


Ran into the ground.
I for one welcome our chinese overlords

>"America will be run by us, not you"

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>Sony console can't run sony vegas
Cope nig

You'll be too busy having gay nigger sex to run anything but a dick through your rectum

why do you retards get baited so easily? there is literally a bait thread of a black man with a new console here every 6 hours and you morons fall for it every time.

You wont run shit Jamal if anything you will get fucked by Changs that will put you back in chains lmao.

Holy shit this thread

>Call the cops I don't care says the black man as he grabs the ps5 and runs
>shop keeper try to call the cops but the cops have been defunded thanks to blm antifa and joe biden
>the angry shop keeper calls the social cops and shakes his fist as the heroic black man runs towards his car to loot another day

Thanks Mr Biden

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I laugh at you, you've really played yourselves with all the emerging outcries of your beloved magic boxes committing Sudoku. Flocking to the stores, be it retail or online, to be the first ones to get shit on.
You probably make fun of Appledrones but fuck, you guys are on the same level. You're a bunch of massive faggots & your take on this is worth shit, so don't even bother. Losers who'd rather argue about petty little things like some girls in middle school, serves you right for not ONCE using that tumor you call a brain.
You've finally done it, really. Sod off and go bawl your eyes out in front of your mom so she can call you a disgrace again

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>gets castreted

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Black onions face

kiss the black
fuck the white

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>jokes on them, our replies are also bait
we have nothing better to do anyway. Shitposting it is.

>that tag
I could find out all this guy's information if I was racist.

My phone posting ass autocorrected onions to onion

You can always start looting yourselves guys stop crying

PlayStation is better, y’all need to accept it

you play the game we fuk yo womenz how does that make you feel nerd

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PC is always best

Man this meme is so fucking stale even eggplants are using it.

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the asian man also stealin yo womenz

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This isn't even you you fucking retard. You got this off of reddit. All it takes to do is to do a reverse image search. Kill yourself.

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even the latino man stealin yo womenz

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even the org women are not safe

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nigga who wants those ugly ass hoes? i fuck white women


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Is that your parents?


Maybe with a gun in your hand lmao.

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It's clearly Morgan Freeman


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i wonder what game he got

any point in buying a ps5 now? there's no games right now only like 4 or 5 i am hearing there's problems with back ward compatability