Final verdict on ACNH?

Final verdict on ACNH?

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Game of the generation behind BOTW.

Feels empty,

great customization, gardening needs to be expanded on, villager personality types need more depth/variation and villagers should maybe have some special dialogue based on their hobby, right now they're like robots
need these villager species types:

overall it's a good and fun game

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fun for like 30 hours

The music sucks so bad and makes the game unplayable.

Is a lot of ways its the best AC but at the end of the day, the Gamecube AC remains un-dethroned

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Also would be cool if we had more utility buildings, like a way to build market stalls that other players could actually buy shit from, greenhouses for growing shit, maybe a library that could offer side quests for returning books, delivering books, etc.

They need to add more stuff and make the villagers feel unique
How does a game released 8 years ago feel much more complete and fun to play than this?
It's sad that this game was advertised as an island life simulator, but it feels more similar to an island decorator

Listening to the old GC, its oozing with soul. Its a shame they can't seem to get right anymore.

Unfinished game.
Brainlets will defend the decision to release content in updates over time.
Less content than its predecessor. There's no guarantee that they will ever make substantial updates to the game. Most of the updates will be events/DIY bullshit.
Nook's can only be upgraded once, only Mable & Sable -- other NPCs are just traveling faggots.

>advertised as an island life simulator, but it feels more similar to an island decorator
also my take: game is better either on an emulator (if you have the hardware for it, runs horribly otherwise) or a hacked switch w/ a save editor because you can pick and choose what grinds to skip
eg: got a peice of furniture, wrong variant for the room im making, dont want to sit through rng bullshit again, just load it into my inventory
AC community is cancer though, BLM and tranny shit fucking everywhere, plus furries
I'd take the gamecube version over it but there were some nice improvements, good little time sink if you're stuck at home like me right now

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This. There's no guarantee they will ever bring back most of the stuff from old games. They already skipped september and now november.
What gives shills the confidence to say they will 'regularly' update the game for the next 3 years and bring back the special characters and the features attached to them?

I've only played the GC version and new horizons but:
>GC version overall is better but NH had some good updates as others have mentioned (fishing isnt as cancer, new museum is cool, etc.)
>obviously a great deal of effort went into minor details like facial expressions and character animation to make them as cute as possible, very nice
>a lot of new villagers are well done, hit or miss on some imo but overall good
>if I get a piece of furniture but the wrong variant WHY THE FUCK CAN'T I JUST CUSTOMIZE IT TO MATCH MY ROOM?!?! this shit needs fixed immediately as it adds too much of a grind, i know its a collection game but its too much when each piece of furniture has like 7 variants that you have to collect EACH and you only want one for your room
>they really need a quality-of-life update for the menus, making one thing at a time and sitting through animations is cancer
I'm having fun overall though, definitely less to do once you get the resident services building up though... also the kk music kinda sucks compared to the GC version

it's not even animal crossing anymore
it's a horrible excuse for a triple A title

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It's my favorite of the series but it's still half a game. There's so many niche furniture options missing. Not one of those fags bitching about some ugly shit like the balloon set not coming back, I'm talking about things like plinths and display cases from New Leaf.
Dialogue is pretty shit but frankly it's been going downhill for a long time.
Crafting in general feels half baked.
There is fuck all to do with friends online besides showing them around without dedicating a chunk of your island to some DIY minigame, and my island doesn't have space for that.
The fact that furniture comes in different colors but isn't customisable is pants on head retarded.
Despite all that, terraforming and outdoor furniture changes the game enough that I'm happy with it. I would take a larger island and no other changes over any of the other things I'm bitching about.

Newleaf still the best in the series.

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haha like a throne of underwear

Step back from new leaf in almost every way

It’s good and relaxing just like the others. I’m fine with the online features and being able to craft my island like I want. It’s a good meditation.

Dropped it at day 5 of Bunny Day and haven't touched it since.

game of the year for girls unless Sims 5 comes out

>need some ideas for a room design im making
>every video is some bitch who made a white/wood room with birch furniture and white accent
i thought women were supposed to be more creative?

It should be played 20 minutes a day to remain fresh

what kinda room you making, user?

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only fun if you like designing every aspect of your island into a barbie doll play house, the gameplay variety itself is probably the weakest in the series

most reddit game ever

This basically.
I play once a day for like an hour after work. I get high and use the game to unwind and keep my mind busy.

After my AC shit is done and I dont feel excited I turn the game off and forget about it until the next day.

Gives you a feeling of progression that's a SLOW burn.

I admit though, im running out of things to do, and the nook miles are useless now. Paid of almost everything and town is almost completely designed to perfection.

All thats left is my museum, and then I wonder if the games over for me. AC games usually last 1 year long. By next Easter ill probably rarely ever play again

dropped it after a month
barely a game

i dont have any photos but a more modern kitchen that doesn't use ironwood because i kept seeing it everywhere, got a pretty good list of furniture i need right now, hopefully it turns out well
nice room, how did you get that aquarium on the wall? im still new to NH

less content than NL and animals are even more lobotomized and boring than any of the previous games.

not him but that wallpaper is a summer DIY recipe

Played more than any other game this year.

Got burned out during the summer but I got a second wind during Halloween. Autumn is comfy as fuck.

I still play once or twice a week for 30 minutes
not the best ac but still enjoyable

big kusa

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