Half Life Alyx commentary update

Half Life Alyx commentary update


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oh cool, valve's commentary modes are always fun on a replay

Nice. But I had to RMA my left Index controller. Dammit.

How much longer until full SDK and multiplayer?

worth the weight


In b4 "we had to remove this complex mechanic due to braindead playtesters"

6 valve months

I'll be dead by then.


Damn that's exciting, and it looks really in depth. Looking forward to it.

I need to play with the workshop tools some more. I want to dedicate maps to the liminal space source threads that have been popping up recently.

Fucking neat. I can't wait to get home and listen to it. Though standing around in VR and listening could be a little bit tiring. I'm sure it'd be worth the weight.

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A small mappack themed about VR liminal spaces would be really neat.
I don't know how volvo does it but Alyx too gives off that same kind of uncomfortable source vibe. Not exactly the same but it's there.

MP on VR would be a mess, though I'm super excited to see how S2 could be used on flat games.

MP in VR is fucking great. Have you not played HyperDash? Pavlov? Onward? Contractors?

>MP on VR would be a mess
Have you played any multiplayer vr game ever beside vrchat?


Don't bully me. I'm not a VRChad. I've only played alyx through a headset a friend lent me.

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[ ] Cheap
[ ] Good
[ ] Not getting reamed up the asshole by Facebook's spiked surveillance dildo

Pick two.




>[ ] Not getting reamed up the asshole by Facebook's spiked surveillance dildo
just wait for the jailbreak to go public lol

Oh shit, they're still making progress on it? That's really neat.

>the way he spins the grub container wheel

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Yeah. He will fix that in the next update. I wonder why he didn't bind that to the mouse whele in the first place?

Neat. Also you just reminded me that Conker's Bad Fur Day had a developer's commentary.


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I'm not that big on TECHNOLOGY but somehow I get very excited about the technical aspects of valve games when I don't really particularly care about other engines and stuff.

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Because they spin with physics... because it's a vr game...

So when is the non VR update coming out? I'd rather not pay $1000 plus tip for extra wiimote waggling

it sucks because there's so many professional quality custom maps but i don't find the core alyx gameplay that amazing. i played a goldeneye map but you're just playing alyx inside dam or whatever, it's not all that interesting shooting combine with alyxs pistol it needs custom weapons and enemies.

>Half-Life: Alyx

Who cares, let me know when Half-Life 3: Hunt Down the G-Man comes out.

What the fuck is up w the left controllers, I had to return mine right after I bought it like a year ago. It worked for 2 weeks and suddenly wouldn't connect at all.

Did they ever mention if they'll fix the gamer problem with VR? Being unable to spell "Nigger" with the controllers really hinder my ability to play games.

its okay bro

Mine lasted for a good number of months but something about the left analog stick wore down until it started getting screwy. Between this and the joycons I'm guessing there's like one factory making tiny analog sticks in China and they suck at it.