Nintendo shovelware is popular with normalfags and sells millions of copies

>Nintendo shovelware is popular with normalfags and sells millions of copies
>this is supposed to prove that it's a quality product
Uhh, okay?

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Did Tanjiro really have a phone?

you're not wrong but you're a faggot for posting demon slayer.

No, he didn't.

I'm still buying Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and playing daily on my Switch. Seethe harder.

>if I call it shovelware that means it's bad!

>I'm still buying Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and playing daily on my Switch

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>Made millions on the opening week
How the fuck can western animation even compete? Why is the west getting dabbed on by anime so hard?

I miss the 3DS and Wii U days when normalfags had given up on Nintendo.

Flash news: Consoles suck
The Switch has the only advantage over a PC just for being portable but even then you could play games on your phone

Dumb wojak poster

PS4 has quality core games. Nintendo Switch has Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, 7th generation leftovers and 12fps PC ports.

>Zelda, Mario
Sounds like quality core games to me. PS4 is still a one game console.

Yeah, Nintendo games are trash but KnY is good and its popularity is mostly due to the competent anime adaptation by Ufotable.

You should have just taken the easy way out and say “rent free”, but instead you chose to confirm my suspicion and not only that but double down on your d’état da room by spewing something like
>PS4 has quality core games

>le mario and zelda argument
If you wanna play like that then Bloodborne is the only PS4 game.

>Sony shovelware is popular with normalfags and sells millions of copies
>this is supposed to prove that it's a quality product
Uhh, okay?

>engaging in consolewar faggotry

are donuts good for you

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>implying PS4 has quality core games
>implying Switch has quality core games
People forget that these companies' consoles barely have anything to offer to the table so they'd rather hope they'd waste hundreds of dollars just for the privilege of buying exclusives
Only the Switch had any sort of advantage over a PC because laptops are a fucking scam, but other than that the PC is still available for everyone who isn't a casual

>Zelda, Mario
These are toddler games, well at least you're not defending Pokemon here.
>PS4 is still a one game console.
Persona 5, Gravity Rush 2, The Last Guardian, SotC remake, Bloodborne, Yakuza 6, Gran Turismo Sport, Sakura Wars, FF7R, Nioh 2, The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir remaster, Dragon's Crown remaster, 13 Sentinels. I'm sorry, but PS4 library is just better and no amount of Nintendo drone propaganda will change that.

I'm scared that ufotable will fuck up the Red Light District Arc bros....

>>Sony shovelware is popular with normalfags and sells millions of copies
But you were gloating at TLOU2 sales all summer. Damn, are tendies going senile? I thought your go-to argument was framing PS4 as the FIFA/CoD console which isn't true.

The only good exclusive you posted is Bloodborne

I feel bad for soulstrannies.

I feel bad for retards.

>uh-uh these don't count

then you should feel sorry for yourself

so did the devs, dumb ass. thank god people didn't let this console die like the wii u.

If Nintendo games don't count then why should all of those games?

Nioh 2 is pretty dope, so is Gravity Rush 2, even though that game doesn't particularly feel like a current gen game.
Anyways, I feel bad for people who dismiss games just because they're somehow married to a company that doesn't give a shit about them. I'm enjoying the Switch and haven't even played BOTW.


Because they're focusing animation for kids, and when they try to do adult stuff, it's usually "DUDE SEX AND MURDER LMAO"

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Half those games are ports, a quarter are shit. You don't want to start arguing taste when you think generic car game #582003861 is better than Mario Odyssey.

snoys sure are feeling insecure today with all those ps5 component issues

>can't even reply to the right post
>thinks I'm the retard

fuck this retard he's the worst goddamn part of the entire series

Imagine not knowing what happens already

>Half those games are ports, a quarter are shit.
You just described Shitch

Three Houses, Xenoblade DE, and Bayonetta 2 alone are better than any of the games you mentioned. Surprised you didn't gloat about Call of Duty DLC next lol.

Oh yes core games like nba, fifa, cod, battlefield, lootbox simulator 2000 snoy edition etc

Imagine being this obsessed with the competition.

>Nintendo lives rent free in the minds of people who claim to never play Nintendo games

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Fuck you, Zenitsu's a bro.

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>ps3 game
>that I can conceide tho sony seems to hate this franchise
>ps2 game
>worst yakuza
>gran turismo has been shit for years now
>shitty musou with some dating sim that bombed hard in japan
>1/6 of a game also on PC
>bootleg souls
>ps2/vita game
>vita game
>a visual novel

oink oink eric

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based Zenitsubro

>casual trpg, mediocre 2010 jrpg with emo combat, and dmc clone are better than Persona 5, Gravity Rush 2, The Last Guardian, SotC remake, Bloodborne, Yakuza 6, Gran Turismo Sport, Sakura Wars, FF7R, Nioh 2, The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2, Odin Sphere Leifthrasir remaster, Dragon's Crown remaster, 13 Sentinels
No, it's not true and you know it. Those three titles might be among the best games on Switch right now, but no, they are not better than PS4 exclusives.

The only actual shovelware they put out consistently are Pokemon games.

I'm not the one making threads seething about nintendo

not gonna lie, I hardly even remember the purpose the side characters even fulfill. Guessing they're just accompanying demon slayers but like why does that one dude have a boar on his head?