Not a single bad game

>not a single bad game
>every game has a strong focus on gameplay and 100+ hours of content
is he our /basedboy/?

Attached: edmc.jpg (1639x916, 178.8K)

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But meatboy and issac suck?

Did he ever get charged for firing a gun at that fat guy in his front yard?

A Japanese man flew all the way from Japan, just to hear this bloated sack of shit tell him that Japanese games suck. He will NEVER be our guy, and his games shall remain boycotted.

The only great game he made was BoI

That was Phil Fish, Mcmillen didn't agree with him.

how the fuck can you confuse phil fish for edmund? they dont look alike at all
one is a fatfuck the other is a hipster skeleton

japanese games at the time did suck
that was around the time when capcom made shit like bionic commando or DmC and every jap dev wanted to go full western untill they realised that shit doesnt sell

Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ are trash

>and every jap dev wanted to go full western untill they realised that shit doesnt sell

It does sell but it makes for shitty games
And how many western games of that time are still relevant anyway?

still better than literally every other roguelike out there

You meant roguelite, roguelike is a different genre.

dead space or bioshock come to mind

he is in fact, /ourguy/

Yes but it seems weird that all of his collaborators fucking hate him and don’t have any relationship with him anymore

roguelike yeah thats what iam talking about and isaac is the best one out there
Laughing his ass off when such an insulting comment was made.

who even? and what collaborators?
the only person i know of is the guy who programed super meat boy and they are still friends even made a new game together

>fired the talented guy that did the original tboi ost
>Enjoy your steak

not our guy

Attached: wrong.gif (480x287, 667.22K)


jeeze user grow up
also again he was right at the time

He makes games that are only good for speedruns prove me wrong

bumbo sucks

>make glorified flash games
>zoomers praise you as the next Kojima

nobody does that though you are the only person i have ever heard saying that

flash games are better than mobile games so iam with him

Because it was such an abrupt and ridiculous response

Original super meat boy / Isaac composer
Super Meat Boy programmer
Binding of Isaac programmer
All of nicalis

He didn’t fire him, the original composer quit and since their agreement was that he owns all his compositions they can’t use them in future ports of meat boy or Isaac.

The dude quit because he is an insane SJW leftist and disagreed with McMillen who’s a centrist

all of these composers are the same person you retard
also nicalis still makes isaac right? what the fuck are you even talking about user?

He quit over money

Thats the worst facial hair I've ever seen

based edmund every other pussy dev would have just betrayed their believes

all relevant western games of the past suckass today. remember when halo, gears, assassin's creed, mass effect and many others? how many of them is surviving without removing everything that made them good?

>ITT autistic OP is being btfod so hard he has to resort to lying outta his ass

all of these games were shit anyways so who the fuck cares? its like you are talking about fifa being way worse now than it used to be who the fuck cares about normie games?

they praised him as next kojima? no one ever said those words to him.

i'll give u a you, this is good bait

That’s probably the real reason but he made a big statement about politics driving his decision on his website

He also said he wasn't going to accept the shit offer he got for the isaac remake.

Why did they ruin Isaac? It's such a bloated mess nowadays. WotL was peak Isaac imo.

base rebirth is fucking boring cant even use unlimited shop to gain all items in 1 run just fuck off with your nostalgia