Ambient hiphop music starts playing

>ambient hiphop music starts playing

Attached: 1603691090114.jpg (1200x680, 56.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>i turn it off
>your thread slides by


>get mad at some gamespot reviewer for saying that hes a black teenager
>dont get mad at the game itself for checking the stereotype boxes
I don't understand twitter

It's a fun game.

Twitter got mad because a black guy was

>the main villain is the successful white CEO
>the two black antagonists are misunderstood and sympathetic
>also, the Vulture is apparently a racist

How hard will this game make Zig Forums seethe?

Attached: 9750c9e9-06a5-4de7-8153-b5baf0d6600c.gif (500x282, 1.85M)

This is all I saw, so I don't know if it's as upsetting to them as that user suggests.

Attached: twitter.png (591x341, 39.36K)

Attached: 1598557103014.jpg (1620x1080, 831.59K)

>Vulture represents Zig Forums
Amazingly apt.

Where did you get this picture of me?

>the vulture is pretty based
damn, where can I get gorilla nigger simulator 2020?

Attached: 76c.jpg (672x434, 22.96K)

>I few tweets with barely any retweets are likes
Good god, you fuckers are pathetic.

>Most popular music with under 40s starts playing for a entertainment product aimed at under 40s

Wow, why did they do this?

Why didnt they go comic book style like Into the Spiderverse, this pseudo realistic shit looks awful

Now THIS is cyberpunk.

Nothing based about being a mutant cousin fucker.

There was a tweet with like 3K likes about the same thing.

nothing wrong with incest

Don't shoot the messenger. I said the other guy was overreacting.

Only retards like ape osts, really, they don't even care if it sounds nice or whatever, they've just internalized it as the shit one plays as background noise, and it's popular because it is pushed as such, nothing else.

Then post that one


Ok boomer. Dad rock is that way.

Twatter has become nothing but a thought police lynching mob for the commie takeover. A digital red guard full of fanatics and radicals

>casual racism

Is this why Raimi wanted to use him in Spider-Man 4?

I can't wait for the future generations that is gonna grow up thinking modern hiphop is shitty dated boomer music.

It's gonna be glorious
>Ok grandpa,go listen to lil[insert rapper name here]

this game is ghetto brown people as fuck

the enemies have those retarded string bookbags that black people used to use in high school around 2006. also, enemies have footlocker tennis shows

this shit is fucking insane pandering to poor inner city browns

fuck sony

Attached: sony last of ua rat.jpg (890x992, 209.84K)

>duuuuude the next spider man should have politics and current year events. there's an election and coronavirus so have everyon wear masks. oh and have a BLM mural somwhere XD

No it's gonna be more like "omgg why could I be born in this generation -__-" shit


It’ll happen much sooner than you expect. Rock music is all but dead nowadays. Rap will follow soonish.

More like scoonerman

>Noooo capeshit can't be political and have inspiration from the events it was created!
Do you even know why captain america exists?

Dont lump dad rockers with that faggot.

isn't he supposed to be half spic

Yeah but most of them will still identify themselves as black or be called a nigger so no one really cares

>Check out this hot new black artist!
>Generic billboard dance music
>Generic billboard mumble rap

What happened? Where are the Bill Withers? The Stevie Wonders? The Michael Jacksons? The Earth, Wind and Fires? Why is it all such soulless crap?

>call him "Spider-Man"
>not "Black Tarantula"

Is Marvel just retarded?

Why is Miles just as strong and skilled as Peter who’s been doing it for 8 years and Miles has been doing it for a few months?

Why does he also go by Spider-Man why don’t they give him a different name


Generic stuff always has a bigger number, especially now with the internet that copying each other is easier than ever, now you have to dig really hard to find the golden artists

When will these memes end.