
Tomba, Klonoa, and Mischief Makers
(I wish they made a new trailer already)

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updated model and animations, they are still working on it

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you guys will start eating your words soon

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Hello game creator my old friend...
You have come to shill again...

Soul vs Soulless

shill shill

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new playable character

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character is ugly and game is derivative
if i wanted to play those old games i'd play those old games
go extinct already

npc design

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This is fucking pathetic, why don't shill somewhere else who cares about your shit?

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this feels very coomerish but it looks go so whatever.

the skullgirls of platformers

Looks fucking horrible. Don't post this crap ever again.

use the report button for advertising, he's not even trying to hide it

this should have been the alt character

sorry your game didn't work out dev user

Looks fun but the coomer shit is pathetic. Like shantae, skullgirls, etc. coomer bait games will never be mainstream and have to rely on horny purchasers.

I'm pretty those games never desired to become mainstream

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one thread every other day schizo

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Why would you think a game development company originally wouldn't want their game to sell and become a success? Nobody sets out to be a cult classic with piss poor sales. Especially shantae which was released on a nintendo handheld that launched a lot of franchises?

>stop posting video game threads on the video game board!

advertisement is against the rules ;)

Is she even legal?

You absolute sickos...

they need to add lighting or at least vertex color some into the environments. it looks like shit when its full bright

only AAA companies consider their games selling gorillions a success
that's why EA/Activision/Capcom shuts down studios because their relatively successful games didn't sell millions

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There's a difference between success and mainstream. I'm sure both shantae and skull girls would both be considered successful considering Shantae has been selling more copies every game and is more well known then ever, and Skullgirls has had ongoing development for about 8 years on top of a moblie game port.

she's so thicc it must be illegal

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I will not buy your game, shill.
But I will coom to it.

there's only one shill indie dev for me

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End yourself dykeshitter

how would you even lewd these things

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I would say it's kind of a dick move to use a thread for free as space, but that implies whatever Zig Forums thread died for this had any value and I'm interested.

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Shill thread for a tranny game.

>how would you lewd something that has a simple emoji face
Oh you sweet Summer child...

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It's like some devs would rather make a game they like instead of trying to pander to retards who get filtered by hot chicks.

kindly fuck off please

I'm following this game on twitter. I really love how it looks and will be getting it day 1. Somebody that's not me should donate to the kickstarter so they can get their last stretch goal.

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Pretty cool.

Pretty cute.

i will now buy your game

are they going to fix the terrible looking stages?

child's play

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>p...please play my look I'll even post lewd pics of our it..