Unabashed nostaligafag thread

>You're back from the theaters (RIP) after watching Treasure Planet with your bros
>mom is on the phone so you can't get on the internet
>time to play some vidya
>what do you boot up?

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>zoomer nostalgia thread

This is our board now gramps

I know it's hard to accept but time moves in a linear fashion. A 2002 nostalgia thread in 2020 is no different than a 1992 nostalgia thread in 2010. Soon you'll be seeing nostalgia for 2010, from full grown adults.

Stop fighting time and accept the quicksand that it is.

Even 90's and 80's are better than 00's cringe.

>entire prequel trilogy poster on wall

Time to play Yoshi's Island for the 1000th time

The 2000's was still fine. In fact, I'd argue 1999-2007 was a pretty kino span of years. Things didn't go to shit until the smartphone plague took over the world in 2009.

whoever photoshops these always manages to fuck them up. The most common one i see are the 90s themed bedrooms and there's a fucking funkopop next to the TV

anachronism is based though

Shut the fuck up, millennial.

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but 6th gen is peak millennial

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Zoomers also grew up with it.

What matters is which console you grew up with as a kid. Millennials were mostly adults when gen 6 started, but for zoomers gen 6 was their entire childhood gaming world.

>great games all over the wall
>wow this guy has really great tas-
>star wars
not everyone is perfect i guess.


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well, the definitions are retardedly broad to be honest, millennials go from 1981 all the way to fucking 1996 according to wikipedia, but I doubt many people born after 96 grew up with a ps2, if we use 96 as a starting point for zoomies

This was back when you were allowed to be into shitty movies and video games without anyone caring. No one made a big fuss if you had shit taste. The internet was still small so you weren't being bombarded with everyone's opinion about everything, leaving your own opinions and tastes mostly untouched and innocent.

It's hilarious because the artist is Moroccan. He literally draws what he thinks American kids' bedrooms looked like when nobody's room ever looked like that.

it's based on 80s/90s movies I think

>You're back from the theaters (RIP) after watching Treasure Planet with your bros

Nobody fucking watched that movie in theaters, it was a giant financial bomb, which is a goddamn shame.

>nobody's room ever looked like that
Switch out the posters with magazine folds of famous skaters and shitty bands like green day and MCR and it's pretty much a spitting image of my room back in 2004.

This was yesterday? I don't get nostalgia for the bowl of oatmeal I ate last week, or the shit I took two weeks ago.

Is it me or was gaming more fun in the past?

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You would if last week's oatmeal tasted better than this week's oatmeal.

In 5-10 years we'll see a similar thread with Xbox 360 and PS3 games user

I agree. Out of all the memes this zoomer-boomer one is the one that annoys me the most because it gets in the way of even being able to communicate cross generation. It was bad enough that even the casuals and mainstream media had no idea what a millenial was. It's even worse now that this meme is shitting in the pool.

I'm not a total nostalgiafag but I kinda agree. It's not the games themselves that were better, it was gaming as a whole. It was simpler. No DLC, no internet bullshit, no $70 games, etc. You just went to CompUSA and bought a new PS2 game to play for the next few months until you got bored of it. Now everything is a live service, I have to juggle 10+ different accounts for my entire gaming library (all of which I can easily get banned from),etc.

I do honestly believe that games like Nier 2, BotW, and Sekiro among many others prove that games themselves are reaching peaks of quality never before seen, but they're surrounded by tons of bullshit that bogs down the hobby as a whole.

Same thing is happening with movies. Movies are still great, they're just cancerous as fick to actually get around to watching these days (legally)

>Finally got a PS2 with FFX as the first game and played the crap out of it. Still bought and played a ton of PS1 games during that time and started to use ebay to buy M rated stuff like Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2, and GTAIII and Vice City
>Also have a Gamecube where I mostly played stuff like Luigi's Mansion and Rogue Leader.
>Imported Ruby and Sapphire and was also playing a bunch of GBA stuff. Pokemania pretty much died around this point.
>Didn't rent as much as I used to.

Was a fun time.

>mom is on the phone so you can't get on the internet
broadband was available in 2002