Video game autism thread

Video game autism thread

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god i wish that were me

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It’s utterly bizarre that a generation of people finds Minecraft characters attractive. Truly a testament to the corrupting power of the Internet

footchads, where you at???

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That kid was fucking obliterated when Sonic went on a grind rail

Speedruning as a concept is peak autism.

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and furries find spyro funneling a turd into a subway sandwich roll attractive, the internet has been corrupting since its inception

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I started posting this anytime someone starts simping over some whore with her boobs out and posts her picture on here

Me licking her other foot off camera

; )

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>implying that the kid wasn't immediately killed as soon as sonic's foot hit the ground

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SlipperyT does that to a man.
Motherfucker is a fucking miracle worker.

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Good going user, you're doing the Lord's work.

That's got to be a parody one

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>bia's first BJ and the one where jenny fucks the creeper

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Thanks for making me feel like perfectly adjusted human being.

It's shit like this that makes me ashamed of having a foot fetish. It took me almost a year to admit it to my boyfriend.

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I love this guy

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>No cube tits

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new smash characters?

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together forever

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>licitung is quite hungry...could this be the last birthday for May?
what the fuck did they mean by this


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Can someone post the video about the guy talking about being in Reshiram's stomach and loving it

truly the greatest artisté of our generation

Hadn't seen that one before

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Surely his tard wrangler could explain you dont post your weird fetish stories online?

What the fuck is this dumb shit and this dumb thread?
Literally never played pokemon or watched an anime

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Have sex

implications of impending vore

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>little kid with autism
>play pokemon because it's a thing little kids play
>latch onto it
>begin to associate it with everything including weird sexual shit as you grow
that's all you need to know. it's why you see a lot of weird fucking shit involving kids show characters like thomas the tank engine or barney

Justin has a girlfriend and offspring btw.

this makes me want to become a psychiatrist just so I can meet nutters like this guy, and see what happens if I give them amphetamines.



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Literally me

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Holy fuck is that real?!

>dumb zoomer tourist doesn't understand true art

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good vid

>The Dremora Markynaz thinks that I am going to be an easy recruit for becoming a follower of Mehrunes Dagon considering that I am having sex with a Flame Atronach
>However, I have no interest in becoming a Daedra
That's pretty based.

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Charizard if he real??


Glad to know Im not the only one.

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Man has always held such depravity. They simply didn't have the platform on which to display it.

they're hot tho

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I don't see why the dremora would want to recruit a fat autist though

I guess since it's oblivion everyone there is hideous so JustinRPG might be considered a chad there

This seems like a nice story, though.

How the fuck does anyone find this hot? Genuinely asking.

Actual autist here, amphetamines had literally no effect on me when I took them (psychiatrist thought I had an attention disorder, turns out I just don't give a shit)