How would you make a video game about politics?

How would you make a video game about politics?

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What about making a non shitty game? Western devs seem to be uncapable of doing that so they hide behind putting ugly women in their games

You'll never be a real woman

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By making it automatically uninstall itself after installation.


Be political without being partisan. Fact is, people resent being told what to think.

You'll never be a real woman

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>[X] Normal
>[ ] With Politics

make a game where even if your opponent has less points than you at the end of the match he can still refuse to concede, ask the admins to overturn the results of the match, and try to get you banned for cheating without proof.

Fyuck resetera, fuck discord, and fuck trannies.

Uh can you not? You racist fuck.

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>fuck trannies.
You would gladly fuck them, chaser

Not gonna lie, I wish my face was that chair.


Isn't that how every game of mario party ends?

This one is pretty fun
not worth the price though

Attached: democracy 4.png (1261x714, 689.72K)

He looks black.

Probably the nigger nose and nigger lips.

>unironically using the term incel
where do you think we are?

This, most videogames with political themes are nuanced and don't tell you what to think.

It's an APE, AN APE!!!!

Keep telling yourself that, faggot.

we are volcels here

Why does this wojak look increasingly korean every time?

Depends on the game, but one example could be to poke fun at it all rather than blatantly push a biased agenda favoring a certain side.

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Yet you cheated anyways...

You'll never be a real woman

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this girl probably voted biden and dates a liberal

>he believes this

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looks like a vile jew

A shooting gallery game where you shoot politics obsessed freaks like chuds and trannies

You fucking wish.


You can't. Politics are a cancer, especially right-wing politics. No game that focuses on them has ever been well received.

based gookposter

She isn't american

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Bad thread

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Literally me
Trump won btw.

Telling myself what? You're the one screaming about fucking trannies

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>pretending this website has standards

lol she didn't vote.

Attached: Antifa goblino chud mugshot.jpg (640x1135, 775.4K)

Imagine getting into online politics fights as a hobby and having a bunch of caricatures saved that you spam over and over.

I'd like to make an Anime/Japanese/Kojima style , Open World Post Apocalyptic ARPG that takes place in the centuries of 21XX-23XX.
Robots and AI almost wiped out humanity and modern human societies are in underground favelas, think of Kowloon Walled City and the Player wants to go outside and gather resources.
Gameplay is similar to Monster Hunter and Breath of the Wild.

Bros . . .

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Fuck you goblina

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Is enji on tiktok?

Nice try, Amelia.

>saying this when you probably cry about """degeneracy""" on Zig Forums

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Ive never seen anything so fake and gay

Wait thats a tranny? I tought it was just a fat girl

This is who calls you a chud and tells you to go back to Zig Forums

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Because trannies are the ones who make these threads 20 times a day, dipshit.

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No i don't
I just don't like it faggot


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What went wrong the past couple years

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normally it's shills but yeah it's probably this guy in this case since the shills found out spamming threads just gets voter fraud data dumped on them.

I don't care about right-wing '''journalists'''

Yep, that's the idea. Making fun of that 'chud meme'.

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Yeah but she doesnt post anything

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All the pretty conservative girls are fucking overachievers who had straight A's growing up and chose good degrees in college. I can't compete without going back to school. Pretty liberal girls have more varied intelligence and class so they're easier for me to date when they're gullible dumbasses.

it is a real girl you moron

Why would you make a fake screencap that's so obviously fake? Isn't the point to make it look real?

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Nah f am Zig Forums fags spam this shit ad naseum but keep blaming your imaginary trannies bro

doesn't matter as long as it's not fake gay nupolitics

Damn they will never be real women

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Lmao that Zig Forumstard was a total faggot
>Not just owning it because above all ideologies and shit, it's all about getting your way, whatever that way might be
Not gonna make it

>Andy Ngo triggers me

It doesn't matter, he's just sharing an objective reality of some Antifa arrested by the Portland police. That's what y'all look like.

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