Welcome to the family, son

Attached: IMG_0005-min.jpg (3024x4032, 1.64M)

Other urls found in this thread:


you forgot to censor the receipt you moron



Attached: snoy.png (220x309, 142.66K)

Is that a fucking Hillary Clinton sticker on the fridge? Where is this image from you idiot?

ordering pizza to your house as we speak

>pre ordering consoles
>buying consoles at launch
>paying $70+tip for games

Wtf thats a brand new PS5 and nice looking house how is that possible I though blacks are oppressed in america?

They are oppressed, have you let him fuck your wife yet?

holy fuck

See you, OP.

Attached: XD.png (986x501, 878.99K)


Attached: Morale1_008.jpg (281x425, 35.1K)

Im not american user and finding a negro in my country is equivalent of finding nemo lol.

Why the fuck would you post your address on the internet retard?
I know you are a sony gger but jesus christ

On Krautchan we would say: nakt gemacht

that's totally op with a hillary sticker on his fridge

look at that nigger's channel he plays only NBA
this dumb ooga booga gorilla has spent $500 to play NBA

>the wife paid for it
She's white, isn't she?

MaryEllen Linnahan
320 King St
Chappaqua, NY 10514

>amerishart thinks every other country has nigger subversion
if only you knew how based things really are
outside of U.S. ofcourse.

Damn, racist chud jealous a based nigga is better than him at life.

Thats his mom

enjoy your dragon dildos lul

wow are you a hacker?

Congrats at "doxing" some random on twitter OP found

I envy you anons, I've lived in canada and the us and shit is fucked beyond repair with the nigger worship

This post is technically doxxing. Delete it



You have to contact the admin

Look i fucked up alright.
It was just a joke and shit and it won't happen again. Just forget this thread exists.

>Democrat shithole
Sonyroaches everyone

his wife/gf paid for it so hes more distracted while jamal fills her ham slices with blakk cum

well, thats a different kind of porn. still watching

how is this offensive again?

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They ARE oppressed, that man was only able to get that house because he works extremely hard against all odds, probably harder than you’ve worked in your life.

Delete system32, and install gentoo

I'm ordering a new couch for OP

kek get rekt

party at OP's?

That’s..... not what chud means

its over bro, rip

OP you know you can delete your post right

fucking xturds posting their friends facebook ps5 pics out of rage

Attached: 1602074036383.jpg (263x192, 7.02K)

>literally got his wifey to pay for it

Posting yourself? That’s also doxxing. Delete NOW


Gonna steal yo shit tonight, nigga!

Real talk. did u get this from reddit or twitter, op?

OP got enough brownie points from his wife by behaving like a good husband
Enjoy your ps5 OP while Tyrone is fucking your wife in the next room

>drumpfkins still seething

Sounds based ngl. Making yo bitch pay for it while you rack up cash.

>buh-buh bu xbox :,(
weep harder, snoy bitch

>this thread
Proof snoys are braindead

Attached: E1EA34CEE9A8465A91F770FD574F8441.jpg (378x357, 33.1K)

too little, too late
5 large dragon dildos + 5 bottles of diamond lubricant ordered. they will all arrive at different dates :^)

>assuming OP has a wife/gf
>assuming OP isn’t just some underaged faggot who’s mom paid for it
>assuming that’s even OP’s ps4 and is a stolen pic because OP is a underaged poor nigger

Why are kids so stupid

Guys, stop saying his wife paid for it. I am sure that is not sure.

I am sure he payed it himself, but got it delivered to his mom, where he still lives

>it's not cheating if my name is also tyrone

>racist shitposter doesn’t know the difference between the PS4 and PS5
Zig Forumsbros.... WE ARE RETADED


>no other images found

Just ordered 40 dragon dildos to OPs house. They should arrive in a week

move to the balkans, either bulgaria/serbia.
if you've only known life in US/Canada, it will be hard to get used to at first since people are different and life is kind of different.
it's easier to socialize and get a friend circle fast here, balkan mentality is basically to be sociable and more open, plus bitches here will be all over you if you're decent looking and they know you're from the U.S. life here is also relatively cheap aswell.

haha sony sucks. it is sonyfornia now

Attached: sony ps5.png (497x458, 176.96K)

you made a big mistake messing with the infamous hacker known as Zig Forums

You have to go back, also typos happen console/nigger lover

the literal state of snoys

that's exactly what it means though.

Attached: deal-with-it.gif (380x240, 37.57K)

a dominos guy just showed up to my house and I think I saw a pizza hut guy drive by too, stop guys seriously how do i delete my post, this isn’t funny, im gonna get in huge trouble for this. oh my god

The only issue is, it's post vasectomy gift

It's easy man, just do the obvious and go to kekma .net so you can delete your post, jeez

It’s over chud. r/thedonald is calling for you.

8k video and 4k 120hz is already a feature in one game, cope

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-11-12 at 11.26.53 AM.png (666x380, 333.76K)

Just ordered a Malaysian mail bride for OP. He needs it

Man inflation is really tough I remember back in the PS3 he could at least afford one game

dose inbound

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