We almost had this design for Crash 4

>We almost had this design for Crash 4
>direct translation of game model from 2 & 3
RIP best Crash

Attached: Emo-PxLXcAE2GLe.jpg (1502x2048, 274.65K)

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Ok now I’m fucking pissed


At least would've been nice if NST looked more like this, I can live with crash 4 designs but damn if we'd at least gotten these for a moment

Attached: Emo-PxRXIAAeOy-.jpg (2035x2035, 462K)

That's a slick illustration

where are these from?


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What the fuck is wrong with modern devs

Art book. It's not out yet but someone found it apparently

Please don't let PS1 Tawna have been a thing they brutally murdered.

Focus groups. Managing valuable IP means overthinking everything to make sure you're pleasing the largest possible audience. Def a move Activision would take. But they shoot themselves in the foot

This is tragic. Cortex in particular looks absolutely perfect.
Then again, I'm slightly doubtful how well TfB would translate these designs to 3D considering what happened to Elora

These illustrations are really good

The final designs are alright

>implying that tfb modelers wouldn't butcher them

I can't even tell if these are Kole's or not.
I feel the need to know, I want to decide who to direct more of my distaste towards.

I like Crash 4 designs a lot but now I'm mad as fuck

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He doesnt even use his flamethrower once in the game either.

crash looks slightly better here than the official crash 4 concept art
coco's face is messed up
these are spot on

>we could’ve had the nest designs in the series
>but somehow toys for slob fucked that up

>>We almost had this design for Crash 4
bullshit, this was just fodder for the artbook, they were always going to do retooled designs.

I want to see the people who kept saying the designs weren't different now.

> I want to decide who to direct more of my distaste towards
Always at the executives, user. Designers are just doing their jobs, drawing a thousand versions until one gets picked. Nicholas Kole didnt walk in and tell TFB Crash needed to look different. TFB mightve even wanted Crash to look more like this but were told to change it up, who knows

allright, pretty cool designs. something weird about crash and coco. maybe those empty looks on their face. like they are posessed or something

what the fuck these are amazing

PS5 load times comparison for anyone interested
it's a bit underwhelming


Attached: Hash Bandicoot.jpg (540x540, 52.29K)

>could've had on point designs that honored how the characters look at their best
>TFB wanted to be different
Holy fuck I'm unironically mad. Get this dogshit company away from Crash pronto.

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My only real problem is crash. the long upturned nose makes him look weirdly like a Dr Seuss character, in a bad way.

Why would you blame focus groups of executives when the people who would want a more consistent look for characters for the franchise? It's usually art school amateurs who want to take designs of an established IP and make unnecessary changes to them.

I always appreciate when devs fully commit to making a character a fatass, nu dingodile gets a pass.

Reminder that Kole wasn't the first artist attached to it.

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ps4 BC compatibility has very limited access to the full speed of the ps5's ssd unfortunately, so we will need official patches or re-releases to get rid of the load times.

Oh, boy. I knew this would happen.
All those months of:
>Crash's shoulders and ears aren't too big! You're just complaining!
>Cortex's face isn't too soft and young! You're just complaining!
>Coco never had breasts and her head being square isn't noticeable! You're just complaining!
>Dingodile isn't too fat and wide! You're just complaining!
This same shit happened back when the Spyro art book happened and the designers actually had accurate updated designs that weren't used.

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>not micromanaging everything
>letting an art school amateur make the call on what to do with their attempt at reviving an IP
>implying focus groups actually had existing fans of the franchise rather than a bunch of normies they were trying to woo

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Most of that is from retarded shitposters or people with zero standards. They couldn't even find some decent people to write the jokes or set the tone for the story.

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>the dipshit nignogs developing the game get to change the art style because 4 of the 7 people on the team liked the game looking like shit
>almost everyone cites these designs as being huge downgrades
get actual fans to work on remakes i fucking hate this world

This is some Rare "N64 banjo wouldnt look right in HD" shit

Thank god nintendo realizes theres nothing wrong with mario characters basic designs from inception to now otherwise Mario would look retarded.

I don't hate the design but feel a poorly MS Paint'ed fix helps a little.

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It's more likely their shitty art director with the purple hair sidecut wanted to make this game into the equivalent of a tumblr redraw.

Attached: tumblr_mv8t8jQbPg1rfwfq9o1_500.jpg (476x750, 110.79K)

Pretty much what I thought. I was already convinced this was Tawna's case, given the other options Kole drew up and how the entire 2010's operated. These just looked almost like somebody else drew them up, which if true then Kole is only half-guilty for the designs provided.

Yeah. Make the irises bigger and they would've been perfect.

This is a joke right, this image is not real. This is surely not a thing.

>both had denim pants like in the original
>final game has some sort of lame sweatpant shorts

I wonder if all those youtubers and redditors who tried to convince people there was nothing wrong with the designs are going to either backtrack or keep defending the new designs.