This game is pretty fun. How come it wasn't as popular as Duke Nukem 3D?

This game is pretty fun. How come it wasn't as popular as Duke Nukem 3D?

Attached: sw.jpg (205x246, 16.65K)

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I mean this got a reboot and DNF was a disaster, so...

The reboot feels like a completely different game.

Quake happened a year earlier and full 3D games were getting big, 2.5D was on it's way out. Shadow Warrior's still great, I like it more than Duke3D but just a bit under Blood, which is oddly appropriate; they kept getting better.

Attached: npng01.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

The only thing that bugs me about BUILD games is that you can't look up or down properly.

What are some good expansions for SW? I recently finished Twin Dragon.

That's the case for Heretic and Hexen as well, and that's besides Doom where you can't look up or down at all. It's a symptom of going 2.5D.

Attached: swfirstfight.webm (768x432, 2.92M)

Yeah, at it lacks the soulful anime references.

Attached: 1605209760128.jpg (640x512, 104.91K)

I always found Shadow Warrior too spooky and unsettling even though I eventually learned to apprecite it when I got older. Duke Nukem 3D also had creepy shit in it, but Shadow Warrior took it even further with the grotesgue monster design and sound design. Those fucking rat panther things still give me nightmares. It didn't help that it had bunch of weird hentai stuff that I didn't understand when I first played it; the sexual content mixed with Dragonball style cartoons made me feel uncomfortable as a kid.

This is one of those games I missed out on. Doom, Duke3D, and Heretic were the first three games I ever played and grew up with.

Duke Nukem 3D had a lot more creepy shit than Shadow Warrior.

Attached: 1605210438895.jpg (800x600, 338.1K)

When I was a kid, the most messed up I got from one of these shooters was from Quake 2. None of them really got to me but the factory level was real fucking weird to me as a kid, seeing all the soldiers getting squashed and harvested. The worst was not getting any sleep because the sound of all those machines was stuck in my head.

I actually beat this last night for the very first time and I found the secret levels. I'm gonna play Wanton destruction then twin dragons
Why I think it wasn't as popular is the variety at the time it came out.
Quake was out.
Duke 3d was getting expansions , atomic edition duke at the beach etc
Other build games Blood etc
Doom was still getting shit like final doom, mods.

Shadow Warrior is just a living shitpost

Not only that Quake 2 and unreal were literally right around the corner.
I love the build games man. I some times like Duke the most and the least.
I feel Duke has more hitscanners than Blood and shadow warrior. With less ways to take them out.
Like the Battle lords or whatever with the chain guns. Tons of those dudes in Duke 3d.

Why did it only have two episodes?

Its still 22 episodes tho. And Its got Twin Dragon and Wanton destruction

There are plenty of fan made levels as well.

John Galt is extermely based

I haven't really looked at any fan made levels but if theres dedication to it like Duke and Doom. The levels are probably pretty dope


They are indeed pretty dope.

in a worse way
new wang is worst wang

Not "full 3D" like the other games to follow it, though. It didn't help that you were aiming up and down against what are more-or-less 'card board cut-outs' in shooters that aren't fully 3D.
I think the only thing more annoying about Blood's hitscanners is that they can often hit you instantly. Other than that, I find them less annoying and more fun to deal with than the 'scanners in both Duke and Shadow Warrior.

Attached: bloodfun_04.webm (768x432, 2.92M)

Alright I'll check that out for sure. I'll probably have to play it with Wang GDX or something. Personally I use Classic Redux. Was going to use to Void SW
But I ran the EXE through virus total and it the void sw exe called out to like 15 different IP addresses , at least 10 different websites and one of them was a malware website lmao. No wonder this source port is litterally never talked about

what exactly is the difference between 3D and 2.5D?

Yeah they seem to hit you pretty fast but the dynamite helps so much in that game
I've only beaten it on the medium difficulty so far.
Used alot of save states and stuff

Yeah he's pretty annoying.

A lot of it comes down to "shooting sprites with sprites" or "shooting 3D polygons with more 3D polygons". Build engine games are slightly more advanced than Doom which at its time couldn't make enemies with different heights; even if the sprite was normal size, every "object" was infinitely tall.
Another good gameplay example between 2.5D shooters and fully 3D shooters is just looking all the way down. It's going to look warped and weird in the older 2.5D shooters but straight to the point with things like Quake.

Imagine 2.5D shooters as just really elaborate versions of what you see here.

Attached: 7CkIBw.gif (948x185, 2.02M)

Twas released right after quake
(Plus the story is too hardcore for modern day shooter)

It came out in 1997 and still used sprites.
Duke Nukem was already pushing it.

Playing SW on an OG Xbox is peak comfy.

At least it was still a pretty fun game. Shadow Warrior 2 on the other hand is Borderlands wannabe garbage.

You are full of bullshit. Doom have enemies with different heights, it's on the engine and you can easily see that on the source code or with Dehacked. The "infinitely tall" aspect was something that Carmack did on purpose to make the game run faster on older computers, it doesn't have anything to do with the Z-Axis.

All objects in Doom interacts on a 3D space. Doom is a 3D game, with maps rendered on 2D. There's no such a thing as "2.5D" technically speaking.

>You are full of bullshit.
Very true as well, but aiming up and down in these "not fully 3D" shooters is always more annoying than full 3D ones, so I'd assume it's limitations from how things are getting rendered in addition to always having to deal with cardboard cutouts i.e. sprites.