Where is he now?

Attached: phil-fish.jpg (600x300, 17.88K)

probably working on some irrelevant mobile shit if he even works in tech at all

He's probably getting fucked in the ass

Doesn't he DJ?

Who cares?

What does this expression convey?



smug dismissal at modern Japanese games


Man, whoever took that shot did an amazing job.

Phil Fish

He's one of the .0003% who die of complications from the novel corona virus known as COVID-19

Hopefully getting meds for his bipoler shit. I can't imagine this guy getting a regular day job without that shit under control.

Ahh so he's a homosexual who quite possibly might kill people then?
Why didn't you just say that instead of "DJ" ?

Fil Phish

His twitter spergouts were amazing

>Tell customers and potential customers to die, suck and choke on his dick, hurl insults and mockery left and right and openly instigate/provoke twatter fight
>Nearly got away with it
If anything it was enlightening about how much fucking raw abuses "gamers" are willing to take.

Attached: 1603733073852.png (574x543, 67.79K)

this cretin was a typical soi sjw.


DJ Philly Fishsticks

cancelling fez II

Gamers are amoral crackheads that would buy a literal pile of dogshit if the right brand name and franchise were slapped on.

Attached: gamers.png (259x195, 5.94K)

Didn't he transition?

Because DJ is significantly shorter, ya tit.

Attached: phil fish.jpg (500x313, 19.38K)


He's a good example of "seperate the artist from it's art. Fez is cool

>Japanese games continue to be relevant and successful meanwhile Phil Fish has become irrelevant

lmao Zig Forums is so obsessed

phil won. He got rich and got out. You guys are just pissed that he ignores you and you can't harass him online anymore.

Did he get rich?