Demon's Souls remake removes gender pronouns

>Demon Souls removes gender pronouns, and instead of picking a gender you pick a body type.

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What's the issue here?


lol I like that they did this, but gender locked armor is still a thing

do the bare minimum meaningless nonsense, but not the actual work to make the armor sets unisex

Are trannies now the jews of gaming?


A boogieman for losers to blame their petty problems on? Sure.

I'll take one Type B

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Imagine buying a ps shit for that, lmaooo

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Found the tranny and/or jew

yes its a bottom line calculation, do it to gain +5 net sales for literally free, instead of actual work

ps5 = amerimutt twatter politics propaganda machine

What's a little censorship and blatant political pandering when I get to pay 70 dollars for the exact same game I played over a decade ago?

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I'm glad this is becoming a meme.

I’m pretty sure jews are real user

why do devs continue to pander to people who don't even play their games?

glad I didn't buy a PoS5. lmao

just select B faggot


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because they are part of the people lol plain and simple. they all are obsessed with twatter politics

>he bought a PS5 for this

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>forces everyone else to enable their mental illness
>everyone else is the problem not me reeeeee

>With the removal of gender options only further adding onto the travesties


Nice meme pc fag

Trannystation strikes again. Why the fuck do you give your money to those fucking jews ?

I didn't really think this had to be said but you Non binary, women and wholesome folk consist of the majority of gamers. Don't get upset, just keep buying games in support This is a good thing.

I don't understand how this is a valid marketing tactic for video games. Statistically the ones most likely to buy gaming consoles are straight white conservative men.

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Cry about it baby

>that'll be $570 + tax + tip for your tumblr propaganda, sir

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That's no longer true sweetie. Research shows that the majority of gamers are inclusive, non-binary folks. The gaming industry is now an 11.5 Billion dollar a year industry. We all support this. Get on board or find another hobby.

It's a western made game, why is this a surprise?

You're right, time to build a PC.

amerimutts have been really trying hard to spread their faggot politics but im sure most from non-anglo countries hate it

fuck, I actually kekd at a wojak

the defense force for this game is nearly as dissonant as the trannies that butcher them.

PC pigs are misogynist pigs who only pirate games. You would be hurting the lucrative business of video games.


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No, I'm just going to start play PC games with a DualShock.

Sony is so far fucking gone.

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And this is the best way to undermine and subvert those straight white conservative manly values. Not all at once, just little by little, game by game. Until you're kneeling, chopping your dick off and injecting melanin into your skin and calling yourself Taquisha. If they don't fuck you up, they'll manage to do it to your sons, who you'll be more than happy to see these games raise them.

Sounds interesting, got a link to that research?

the game's an overworked mess, in the music, in the armors, in the environments

and it has been made to be "safe"

Allow me to play devils advocate:

Two body types being labelled men and women makes no sense, because a man could be anything from he-man to a manlet, and a woman could be anything from barbie to a ham planet.
If anything, it makes more sense to label them as A and B