Sony looking to purchase BluePoint

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>SOTC and DeS remake
>capable of GRAPHICS
Seems like up Sony's alley to get them to pump out cinematic mediocre action games that can only wish it was as good as the source material.

Bloodborne 2 incoming

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*butchers Japanese classics in your path*

>butchers Japanese games completely.

Yep, sounds like a solid Snoy move.

Who's that guy supposed to be?

They didn't already? Weird.

He's reddit's mascot.

Thought they were theirs already.

yeah they should do. id like to see what a total sjw machine full of amerimutt values looks like. itd be like modern disney though.

Most likely as a response to the fact that Microsoft is buying Fromsoft

Legend of Dragoon demake here we go

I thought they were buying nintendo

>remasterstation buys remasters studio

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fuck them. they deserve each other

For a company that tries to pass their videogames as "high cinematographic art" they really are willing to purchase a company that destroys the artistic values in other videoganes.

big if true

regurgitate and shit out their Japanese heritage while they completely remove investment in actual Japanese game development.

> TFW them defiling Miyazaki's legacy was a job promotion for them

BS. Fromsoft is owned by Kadokawa which is already a big company and has no reason to sell them.

>Demon's Souls 2 is announced
>developed by Bluepoint

How would you feel?

decent match tbf

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>Abandon Japanese developers
>Hire Americans who's only claim to fame is remaking their games

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>Souls game made by burgers
I wouldn't care, even if they were put in charge of making Bloodborne 2

Microsoft is bigger

yes. redditors dont have any knowledge of the japanese industry. kadokawa will never sell fromsoft to a foreign company.

Do idiots like you think the gaming division has all the money Microsoft owns to themselves? It doesn't work like that.

Kadokawa wouldn't want to sell, Fromsoft wouldn't want to be exclusive, and Microsoft would have to pay way too much if they wanted to impress them, for little in return since these games are not huge in sales.

Preorder canceled.

You just watch Microsoft wave that fad wad of cash and they'll come crawling