Hollow knight

I cannot express just how infuriating it is to watch this game. And see people die for the simple fact that they fail to aim the sword up or down.

Oh, but they all use fucking joysticks to play. That's the problem. They can't transition quickly from left/right to up/down. So I tell them "hey, use the D-pad, it's much easier"

Then they proceed to test it out for a minute. Agree that aiming up and down is easier. And then immediately complain "BUT THE D-PAD IS UNCOMFYYYY. I'M USED TO THE JOOOOYSTIIIICK"

For fuck's sake, do they enjoy being failures their whole lives? They can bare beat the first fucking hornet fight, but then want to insist that their way is better.

The game is apparently free with Playstation Plus? So a lot of PS4 owners are playing the game now. And they all play this way. And they all suck. And they all refuse to change.

Attached: XJ7CgSYGvZqaqGdQ8m4w8P.jpg (2500x1160, 430.99K)

Use this thing, you fucking fucktarded fuckheads.

Attached: D-Pad_of_an_Xbox_One_controller.jpg (1726x1708, 472.44K)

I beat PoH with all bindings and I only use stick, except for menu choices. Really nothing to sperg out about.

stop watching people play video games you retarded zoomer

>ohhhh, look at me, I'm the exception to the rule. So problems no longer exist.
Whatever, man.

Why do you have a problem with how people prefer to play, mr sperg?

I've noticed a similar problem in Rain World and the people that play it. A lot of people seem to use the stick instead of D-pad. The weirdest part is that for some reason, the game is actually coded around the stick instead of the D-pad.
The game has a lot of movement mechanics that aren't mentioned in the short tutorial, and you have to figure out by yourself, either by accident or hearing it from other players. I finished my first playthrough using D-pad and basic movement before I heard such a thing even existed, and found out I had to have steam accept my D-pad input as if though it's analog movement.
At some point I guess using analog for platformers somehow became the norm, and it just baffles me how.

Attached: Rain World.jpg (1920x1080, 172.07K)

Because I can see them visibly struggling with the sticks. It's makes a noticeable difference. With the stick, their starting and stopping points are delayed. Because walking starts as soon as the stick is tilted. But they push the stick all the way to the edge. And then it takes them a while to release the stick when they want to stop moving. This is a problem when they're in hectic battle, because their thumbs kind of get "tied" in pushing of the stick, so they don't move efficiently.

With the D-pad, you can see how they start and stop much more quickly and precisely. Which means they can maneuver with a greater degree of precision.

Now, if they could actually play decently, then if wouldn't be a huge problem. But like I said, they're struggling with the most mundane actions. Like they can't hit flies, because instead of striking up, they strike sideways. And then they get hit and die. And they can't pogo. And they keep running into bosses, because they get stick-locked into a direction, and can't stop themselves in time. They die to the STUPIDEST things. They die twice more than anyone else, and pretty much suck shit at everything they attempt.

ok so you're just somebody who watches twitch streams all day and rage in the chat when they can't play the game well enough according to your lofty standards. I bet you even visit beginner streams just for that purpose alone. Because I can tell you, the stick is not the problem, the problem is that they're beginners.

i beat the game with shitty keyboard controls and I loved it

I don't rage in chat. I either don't comment on their stupidity, or try to help them if they're open to help. And I visit all kinds of streamers. But primarily first time players. Because why would I watch a pro at the game? That's fucking boring.

But the fact is, there are good first timers, and bad first timers. And the good ones simply adapt more quickly. It has nothing to do with them being a beginner, and just the fact that they ADAPT. And the problem with bad players, is that they refuse to learn from their mistakes. They just keep trying the same things again and again, until they figure out some exploit or get blessed by RNG. But they don't actually learn the game.

The fact that they don't use a D-pad is a part of their unwillingness to adapt. You can tell them what the superior way to play is, and they simply won't do it.

I don't know how to explain it. But I'll try using an art reference, and maybe that'll help. It's just like those people who never improve at art, and then say "It's just my style". As they continue to be shit at art.

Attached: draw-this-again_o_3069373.jpg (1117x716, 79.74K)

I played with the keyboard. WASD for directionals and actions on JKL;. I play all platformers like that. Works well.

So? There are good and bad players, that has always and always will be the case. Point is: nobody fucking cares. Let them play how they prefer to play. Stick vs D-pad is honestly the least important thing that separates good from bad players. Not all beginners start from zero, every player has different previous gaming experiences coming into new games, and they pull different references from their accumulated gaming skill in order to tackle new games. Some people might get much better, much quicker, while using a stick over D-pad because that's what they're used to, or it feels better for them. Getting angry at and feeling all high and mighty over beginners that refuse to "play the optimal way" is just, you know, lame.

Literally nothing wrong with keyboard controls, I beat I Wanna Be The Guy on a shitty laptop.
Analog on the other hands is just trash.

Why are you watching people play video games

the problem is that most controllers have shit d pads because nobody uses them

Only shitty D-pad that really springs to mind is xbox 360, but I haven't tried too many different ones. Very fond of dualshock 3-4 though.

retarded console niggers being retarded console niggers
and this comes as a surpise to you?

the switch pro has the worst d pad i have ever used and is considered a great controller. people don't use d pads

>Point is: nobody fucking cares.
Stop projecting. YOU don't care. Or at least, that's the idea you want to project. You're probably a shitty joystick user yourself, and I've touched on an insecurity of yours. That can be the only explanation for your griping here in this thread.

I fucking told you that I don't demand people play my way, and yet you're still like "let them play how they prefer". Bitch, what do you think I fucking DO!? Do you think I'm just hounding them in the chat about using a D-pad? You think I'm harassing them? Shaming them? No, what's happening right now, is that YOU feel shamed by my words. And now YOU feel uncomfortable. And now you're trying to regulate how I express myself, when you could just as easily ignore me.

>Stick vs D-pad is honestly the least important thing that separates good from bad players
It's really not a small thing. Stick players play poorly BECAUSE of the stickm. Direct consequences of shitty stick control. And you can see them visibly improve when they change to the D-pad. The only problem here, is that they don't stick with the D-pad for long.

You dumb fucking piece of shit.

>Stop projecting
>proceeds to project for several paragraphs
>in a thread dedicated to whining about beginners not playing YOUR preferred way

Seems I struck a nerve, huh? And no, I have no insecurities about the way I play. I already told you I use the stick and have beaten the hardest of the hardest content in the game with it. That's not to say I haven't played the game with D-pad too, I just prefer the stick for this particular game. I know what I'm talking about when I say there is hardly a difference between the stick and D-pad, it's just a matter of preference, and it's not going to magically change a bad player into a good player.

At the end of the day, you're just someone who get angry at beginners for not playing optimally and, presumably, rather than taking out your frustrations on them directly decided to make an anonymous thread on Zig Forums to vent about it, standing on a soapbox for literally nobody.

This is what consolefags go through?
Ahem, keyboardCHADS rise up.


>I already told you I use the stick and have beaten the hardest of the hardest content in the game with it.
OK, well then you're the exception. Not the rule. Not everything is about you and how you play. And I never said that joystick players couldn't become proficient with the stick. Only that they make more mistakes than D-pad users. While anyone can get good with any tool, given enough time and dedication. But that doesn't make the tool they're using optimal for their growth. Who knows, perhaps if you were using the D-pad from the start then you would have good at a quicker rate.

But again, this isn't about you. Sure, the D-pad isn't going to magically make someone good. But it's going to stop them from making a lot of silly mistakes. And that will help them in their progress toward goodom.

At the end of the day, you're just a joystick user, who despite your accomplishments, still feels the need to defend his preference due to irrational insecurity. And in order to pull your fragile ego back into order, you have to try and diminish me and my behavior.

I'm not harming anyone by venting on Zig Forums. I'm not harming anyone when I watch them play like shit on stream. And yet you still want to wag your finger at me like you're my fucking mom. Get over yourself, dude.

It is all about me when I play the game, just how it is all about you whenever you play the game, or all about someone else when they play the game. I have no right to tell anyone but myself how I should play the game, and I bet most people would appreciate it if that could remain the status quo, unless they specifically ask for help. For this specific thread though? It has nothing to do with my ego, I'm just here to tell you that you have the mindset of a fucking faggot. It's up to you if you want to take issue with that.

If im understanding the story correctly, the bugs were originally in an hive mind state caused by the radiance. The pale king somehow gave the bugs consciousness and individuality. The radiance was all but forgotten but eventually started infecting bugs again with a hive mind virus/disease.
The hollow knight was a vessel that locked the radiance away

>I have no right to tell anyone but myself how I should play the game
You fuckiing soiboi bitch. Listen to yourself. "you have no right". IT'S CALLED HELPING. I TRY TO HELP THEM. But only if they're open to help. Some people don't want help, and I respect that.

Why do you keep trying to frame this like I'm some kind of harassing monster ruining their experience? It's because you're confusing your own feelings right now with theirs.

Yes, that is the gist of it.
However, that is only the surface story. Ask yourself this: If bugs were originally mindless hivemind beings, then why does the Grimm Troupe, outsiders, have higher thought? Why does the likes of Cornifer and his wife, both originally outsiders before setting up shop, have higher thought? In fact, the Elder mentions the fact that outsiders come to the kingdom looking to explore and find treasure. They all appear to have higher thought.

So did the king really grant them consciousness?

The moth tribe predates the king, and they seem rather civilized.

Maybe the devs should have enabled omni-directional attacking instead of sticking to the cancerous d-pad emulation fighting games have.

Yes, I see now, you are truly virtuous in helping people with your extensive gaming knowledge. I don't know what came over me, I must really be drenched in envy of your absolute magnificence. It's like you're bringing the invention of the wheel to the cavemen, truly you are kind.

nah that'd make pogoing either too easy or really frustrating depending on how it would be adapted

I played with joystick and never died to that they are just bad

>Oh, but they all use fucking joysticks to play. That's the problem. They can't transition quickly from left/right to up/down.
Tell that to rocket league players and they shit in your mouth.

Doesn't matter to me, the constant attack jumping is a band aid for superficial combat, Salt and Sanctuary did it better.
Still, if you release for a console where everyone uses sticks, maybe utilize what you're making it for?
I never use the d-pad for input either, only arrow keys are comfy for that because you use 3 fingers, making thousands of inputs with just the thumb would get irritating quick.

>Passive aggressive chirping
I'm glad our conversation is over. Next time don't insinuate a bunch of stuff that isn't happening so you can try and feel better about your own shitty choices.

Hmm interesting. I always thought that the bugs with consciousness in hallownest left once the infection started to spread. The bugs we see in the game are the old bugs coming back to loot it. I dont have an explanation for the grimm troupe though

What would omni-directional arracking accomplish? People can barely cope with attacking 4 directions, now you want them to hit 360 degrees? I'm sorry, but I just don't see the advantage for either the player or the game designer.

>constant attack jumping is a band aid for superficial combat
I don't understand what you mean by that honestly, could you elaborate?

They're not all returning. Here's Cornifer's text
>My name is Cornifer, and I've always loved exploring the world. Why, when I was first hatched I wandered off immediately, leaving my brothers and sisters and poor mother behind! ... That's why as soon as I could I moved to Dirtmouth with my wife. A huge, unending Kingdom to explore right on our doorstep. Who could resist?... Anyway, I'll let you return to your travels. With a little luck, we'll meet again. Be safe and farewell!

So it would seem that he grew up outside Hollownest and was already married before moving to Dirthmouth.

And his wife Iselda's dialogue reinforces their migration
>Of all the places to end up, we've picked this dreary town. I'd thought it a temporary stop, then my husband became obsessed with that old ruin.

>making thousands of inputs with just the thumb would get irritating quick.
What? It's not hard at all. Your thumb can press 2 directions with ease. And it never needs to press opposite directions. So it's really easy to press all 8 directions with only the thumb.
Conversely, trying to coordinate 3 fingers is like trying to pat your head and rub your belly at the same time. Easy to bungle your inputs if you're not focusing.

What, wasn't that what you wanted to hear? Didn't you want praise for being so much smarter and better than those lowlife streamers that are there to bring YOU entertainment on your valuable free time? You even made a thread about it so that you could juck it all up together with your fellow intellectuals, right? I mean, you said it yourself, those peasants couldn't even realize themselves that the D-pad was the superior choice even after visibly doing better with it! Such audacity to not heed such divine advice! How could one even hold the frustration in?