How did Kojima predict that this would happen in the 90s?

How did Kojima predict that this would happen in the 90s?

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I asked Kojima at a con how did he predict so much stuff with MGS2 and he just really quietly so no one but me could hear called me a faggot. I raised my voice and said that Kojima just called me a faggot but no one believed me and the security escorted me out. Fuck you Kojima you fucking asshole.

Because unlike 97% of people in the world hes not blind

I'm pretty sure Fukushima was the one who made MGS's writing like this, as he was expertly able to make Kojima's autism into something deep and philosophical. But since leaving, MGS have never been the same. Kojima is a hack

I can't believe NPCs known as the MGS2 fanbase bought into this shit.

The AI has been lying to you THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME.

He didn't, the translation team did.

Fukushima himself said that he worked mostly on secondary codec calls.

>“While there were some parts that were edited by the both of us, but if I’ll be bold to say it, all the real-time cutscenes were written primarily by Mr. Kojima, as well as all the mandatory CODEC calls. I was assigned to writing all the optional CODEC. We ended up creating around 2,500 files.”

Then why has Kojimbo's prose gone downhill since Fukushima left? Surely Fuku had some pull in how Kojima expressed his ideas

What fucking ideas?
MGS2 was the only game where there was some depth and it's nothing but an amalgamation of shit that's been studied for decades before MGS2 came out.
MGS1 and MGS3 for example are literally Call of Duty-tier stories in how retarded they are.

I wonder...

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Because you're a retard, this is an extremely trivial and unoriginal idea and you're only blown away by it because all media you consume is just bottom of the barrel entertainment.

Check out videos of Futurasound about mgs 2
Those fears and predictions go way back in time.

Activists have been warning others that these things will happen for years. Everyone with a brain knew the things would be like this just like everyone should be aware that the elections are a scam and you are not given any choice. Just like everyone knew the US wiretaps the whole world or the Arab Spring and the sanctions are a huge scam to build yet another enemy.
Shit like global warning are half scams that distract from other more important issues such as the growing rift between poor and rich or puppet left/right politic.
All Kojima did is repeat these things. Deus Ex exist for a reason. This shit is globo homo critic 101.

>global warming is a scam

cool it with the antisemitism

It is a scam. Environmentalists go to Sweden and guilt trip them for muh climate change and tell them to have fewer kids while ignoring Nigeria and China. It's an Anti-White movement at it's core

he didn't, he just thought up the Hollywood movie framework
he didn't come up with shit. Japan was already starting their digital age and they've always been into philosophy so naturally there was all kinds of fiction already for fukushima to get directly inspired by

you motherfuckers gotta figure out context some day, damn.

There's something I don't understand about americans.
You know things like this, and instead of explaining that they should approach climate change in another way, you just go

Same with corona, instead of pointing out how leftists have politicized it, you go

You americans are just retarded.

>>Zig Forums
gee, I wonder why the third worlders produce so much pollution from their factories... maybe if we figure out the cause of that, we can stop it?

He's the creativi dad

an amalgamation of shit before it is how all ideas work.

No, I say the climate is dynamic and not everything going on can be attributed to the actions of man and you say:

The fuck are you talking about euronigger?
People bring up exactly the criticisms you mention, but are only met with
Every fucking time.

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No, i'm saying push China, India and Africa to obey before starting with the west, which is the one that treats the enviroment the best.

Barely, you Americans are so focused on tribalism that you'd defend something just because SJWs are attacking it, and the same viceversa.

>SJWs are attacking it, and the same viceversa.
Whatever, you say it doesn't happen, I say it does happen. kys desu

Extrapolation of the present. People say shit like this about a lot of people; like Carl Sagan and Orwell, for example. It’s just observations and extrapolation, and a good helping of pessimism I guess. I don’t think writers want shot loot this to happen. They’re meant to be cautionary tales, but we’re living them.

*want shit like this to happen
Was what that was meant to read. Fucking shitcunt iphone posting

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That can be done if those taxes are used to finance the destruction of Africa and Asia.


Except these are strawmen created by the left and nobody actually says them. Be honest: outside of leftist strawman memes, have you ever ONCE heard someone claim that COVID-19 literally *does not exist*? I sure as fuck haven't. I hear people say it's not that dangerous. I hear people say it is dangerous but we should still let people choose. But I have never heard anyone say it's literally nonexistent.

It's weird, you acknowledge that leftists have politicized it, yet you still accept their strawmen as being representative of all opposing viewpoints.

>have you ever ONCE heard someone claim that COVID-19 literally *does not exist*?
Zig Forums, a shit ton of times, and always from americans.
Americans are just retarded baboons who are always an embarassment for whatever ideology they claim to alineate with.

It's pointless and there isn't much to do. The majority of mankind has always been ignorant retards who don't know shit about shit; that's why monarchies and similar shit existed, to keep the retards the fuck away from power.

As the Internet has demonstrated, intelligent people will forever be capable of accessing factual information even amid a barrage of noise. If you are genetically pre-disposed to not being a retard, no amount of disinformation and spam and distractions can keep you from informing and educating yourself. And Kojima is wrong about this: if everyone was in an echo chamber, there would be no culture wars because people literally would not know what the other side is doing.

The problem lies with Democracy - the retards being constitutionally obligated to have their say in how things should go. Every single disfunction of the civilized world would be solved in an instant if liberal intellectuals would seize power and then made it illegal to remove them from that position. Modern warfare has means to subdue the ignorant masses with ease now.

Retards are going to exist whatever you do; and as soon as permanently exclude them from the decision-making process, they will automatically cease to be an issue.

No amount of controlling information will help this situation, only authoritarianism will.

>nooooooo stop praising the most popular game director he's a hack here's my 100 conspiracy theories that i found on reddit comments!!!!!!!!

Predicting that political correctness would give rise to misinformation isn't a mind blowing prophecy, it's common sense. Political correctness is literally lying to avoid upsetting people.

>>global warming is a scam
slow down Kizaru I said
>Shit like global warming are half scams that distract from
Global warming may be true but the way people go and propose solution to the problem is just stupid and makes the problem worse. Most environmentalist are blind and don't see how their demands damage the environment more or how the get abused to push corporate propaganda.
And as I have said before activists distracts from the real problems that cause climate change. War as a means to drive the economy and deflect from inner political problems, sanctions because foreign state bad and regime change good and finally economical exploitation through trade agreements. The war business is flourishing nowadays but the majority of the activist never attacks the military complex and completely ignore the problems that come with international trade agreements that are setup to benefit the rich and exploit the consumer on both sides.
Shit like are central themes in games like Deus Ex.