Post a niche image from years ago Zig Forums and see if anyone remembers

Post a niche image from years ago Zig Forums and see if anyone remembers

Starting with some PTSD

Attached: file.png (900x1010, 1.23M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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I miss the Andy edits.

Attached: Floor-Tile-Patterns1.jpg (600x340, 70.03K)

Attached: 7e5.gif (800x792, 51.67K)

remembers what, exactly?

Attached: 128925608331.gif (286x207, 17.85K)

Only true oldies will remember this epic meme. Reply if you get it.

i'm new here how do i register and upvote posts? i saw the tile man on /r/Zig Forums some time ago, made me LOL

Zig Forums memes used to have SOUL.

Attached: 1601746201120.jpg (409x687, 54.65K)

Some weird shit in here

Attached: 1354494371426.png (1800x1096, 2.45M)

I contributed like 5 of these fucking things

I get it

I never got what "delitized" meant.

come on I'm a newfag from like 2013 and even i remember this.

Deli meat. It means turning into deli meat.

>nazi mods don't let us have storytime or LOL threads anymore
I miss laughing at cringe furry webcomics with my Zig Forumsros

Lots of points if you remember this one

Attached: 1356357438367.png (135x206, 49.96K)

Saw it on /r/Zig Forums too! Man that was a fun time!

2013 was 7 years ago. You're post gaymergate but pre election. You're old enough.

And post-Tortanic, so no. If you came here after 2007 you're a newfag, but if you came here post 2011 you're a fucking newfag.

gamergate was 2014, i remember it happening the same week the first five nights at freddies came out

Attached: tumblr_p096d2rJOD1r7v1oco1_400.jpg (360x402, 30.35K)

>It's STILL filtered
Makes me laugh every time.

Is there a name for this cadence of writing characterized by the obvious masturbation that took place while writing it? I can hear it in his voice even though I'm fucking reading it.

it's funny how little anyone knew about jojo back then.

Attached: 1605215249.jpg (1537x217, 190.77K)

Its great

Attached: sketch1589100189666.png (1266x688, 180.89K)

I'm pretty sure I started browsing in 2013 and I enjoyed the fruits of Zig Forums well before gamergate ramped up. One thing that I do recall happening right when I started browsing was the tomba speedrun "I would really prefer if you would be quiet" shit

Attached: Anti-bullying.+It+makes+me+sad+to+see+Hitler+sad_aeb7fd_4592789.png (716x3390, 348.07K)

why was this posted on Zig Forums, i remember this from Zig Forums but why does Zig Forums have it? why does Zig Forums care so much about cringe comics and not vidya