Demon's Soulless

What the fuck were they thinking

Attached: demon's souls demake - update.jpg (4479x5880, 3.92M)

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have you had sex yet, OP?


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Astrea is now best girl.

Attached: astrea.jpg (1189x839, 520.92K)

it's okay OP I can do the editing, I've been doing it from the start

Attached: final jpg 2.jpg (6314x4557, 3.6M)

no? interesting...I think it says a lot about your obsession with this remake.

Absolutely disgusting.

Nah, my waifu sperging is still on hold but so far the odds aren't looking good.
Maiden - bimbo
Yuria - potato
Urbain's groupie - hit random on character creator
American's Idol
Astraea - not utterly ruined

I love progressive racism, they somehow nail caricatures harder than Wyatt

Attached: EmnMVnQU0AECUwr.jpg (3840x2160, 598.95K)

Oh no they turned a 30 second theme on repeat into a masterpiece!

squeeze in flame lurker's arena (i think it's the most egregious) and i'll save yours

>those retards thought Nexus root were tentacles
here's your proof they didn't even played the game

>japanese make game influenced by western culture
>characters are white
>americans remake said game
>second character you run into is a nig

Blackwashing is fine if its American games but holy SHIT keep Americans the fuck away from Japanese games.


tranny, they overworked the theme
the impact it has is completely gone, it as never meant to be a militaristic theme with fucking tambours and shit

>Astraea - not utterly ruined
Utterly ruined, her expression doesn’t even match her characterization anymore, the design sheets show how she is supposed to have a constant melancholic expression, not the deadpan doormat from this remake.


I fucking hate the UI of this game. I honestly thought that it was a temporary thing for the early gameplay showcases, but no. It really is that awful. It's like babby's first UI design course.

>into a masterpiece!
To have a taste this bad, how can you live with yourself?

In the end, did DeSfags really deserve this?

Spread your legs user, your concern for my sex life is clearly a consensual invitation


Looks great, not surprised ppl are buying a PS5 just for this.

>they turned fool's idol into an ebin choir piece
the final nail in the coffin, won't ever buy this bluepoint shit


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Why is the monumental just a raggy white kid now?

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killing a cripple and her simp has never been so

enjoy soulless amerimutt trash like that

oh nonononono

Attached: demon's souls demake - try hard.webm (1266x706, 2.87M)

You will never be Japanese.

>his clothing is a clean off white
>Bluepoint proceeds to do the exact opposite
They really didn't bother even taking a day to read the original's design documents did they?

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>will never be a gook

thank god

there, although this image is getting a bit too big

Attached: final jpg.jpg (7060x4557, 3.85M)