Damn, PS5 looks like that?

damn, PS5 looks like that?

Attached: 1585753974109.jpg (1857x986, 183.49K)

>bloom off

left has obnoxious bloom


Attached: 1575223081937.jpg (512x512, 83.33K)

>ps5 is the age of red filter


soul vs soulless

so THIS is the power of gay tracing

Attached: 9F2B7D7D-D77E-4E5E-B860-E68629108DE1.gif (300x243, 255.13K)

Everything I've seen from ray-tracing has just made me appreciate fake lighting more.

It's ironic that the movie industry goes to great lengths to get the light they want for a scene and gaming is trying so hard to reproduce the natural lighting move artists generally try to avoid.

The movie industry uses ray tracing faggot.

you know that the movie industry isnt just CG basedvengers?

Why is it like this every time a new generation of hardware comes out. Is the development of bloom just the natural progression of a hardware generation? We have to buy new hardware every 5 years just to shake the luminous cobwebs out?

>Still has Tom Holland's face
Does Miles Morales do that?

He's talking about set lighting, sasquatch. Not computer VFX...

fuck it, (You) me all you want.

Bloom lighting is ugly and right looks better

tbf that's one of the first ps5 screenshots i've seen that looks considerably better than ps4

>gay tracing

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there's something very funny about Sony's film tactics (horrible oversaturation and color grading) bleeding into their games. They do it for the same reason, to trick idiots into thinking it looks good. It's like those dollar store HD GLASSES lmao

This. The only game I remember having good dynamic, non-baked shadows and lighting was FEAR, and that's one game out of how many thousands?

Does the PS5 allow the game to run at 60fps? I think the PS4 Pro only does 30.


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Youre talking about shitty filters, faggot. No movie purposefully removes shadows or shit like that.

great, ultra HD ray-traced quadruple-texture-filtered sweaty men.


Attached: EmoowGiXUAUGI_e.jpg (1336x1336, 232.66K)


fuck ps4. Og suit lokin deadass orange instead of red like it's supposed to.

it looks slightly reddish?

this is what it all lead to. all that technological progress and all those hours of work, all so we can look at a couple of simulated sweaty niggers run after a ball. I am in awe.

Dios mio...

No, but every film that doesn't isn't naturally lit enhances the light present and in some casesjust invents lights to looks nicer, backlighting for instance is often just pulled from their ass.

Attached: D9C18918-7C9E-4CD8-B9D1-D9FE1FA0014B.png (680x709, 243.33K)

Damn! That ass CAN fart!

Attached: Screenshot_2.png (807x862, 1.09M)

They removed bloom because ray-tracing is more accurate?

Fifa and Madden make well over a billion annually just on the micro transactions. They've earned it.

>noooooooooo sports game cant have good gwafix!

I dont get it, lighting is the only difference.