Prodeus has reached OVERWHELMING POSITIVE scores

Fuck you Brutal Doom dev.

Attached: P1WRIPn.png (1199x637, 790.16K)

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You lost.

I'm tired of all these samey looking boomer shooters, can we get an FPS that actually feels original?

No. Only thing with soul

great game but I honestly liked brutal doom better

i'm interested to see what brutal fate will be like, but i was looking forward to vietdoom and i guess making a commercial project means mark will never touch it again

Time to look at the Steam Discussions threads and see if people are already begging for a Switch port.

I swear Playstation and Xbox gamers don't beg nearly as much for ports as Switch gamers...even odder since they get tons of ports of indie games anyways.


Finally a game with Soul


Take a step back from your pathetic console warrior insecurity and realize that a Switch port would likely include gyro aiming, the only necessary feature to make this playable on consoles.

? alpha 3 released 6 days ago

What's wrong with the Brutal Doom Dev? Is there drama between the two devs?

are you mad?

>Hurrr durrr, it has fountais of blood so that males it BD
I know the average IQ here is quite low but make some effort with your bait.

>What's wrong with the Brutal Doom Dev?

Attached: 1553609682573.png (320x320, 106.85K)

he put black humor in the Brutal Doom source code and liked videos saying that the holocaust didn’t happen on YouTube (yes, people are angry because of this).

As in good art direction or like the older titles? Anyway: Ion Fury.
>What's wrong with the Brutal Doom Dev?
He's brazilian.

This game is absolutely the least original retro-style FPS that's come out so far. They basically just remade Doom with some elements from Doom 2016. Even Dusk had way more original elements like the farms, the crossbow, weird Escher-like environments, etc.
It looks fairly fun, but the lack of originality is kinda ridiculous.

Hi Brutal Doom dev! Kill yourself nigger, everyones buying this game!

It's not boomers buying this shit it's u faggots

Forgot to mention how he stole assests from other modders, guided a mental unstable kid into killing himself (step by step) and having a bitch fit when he accused ID of stealing ideas from his mod. Nah he's a bitch nigger.


Sounds like a cool dude.

Despite the low-poly visuals, Ultrakill has brought a lot of new ideas to the table in terms of the FPS genre, even if they're pulled from different genres. Also there's BPM which added a Rhythm element to the genre.

The main dev behind the game was one of the gameplay designers of DOOM 2016.

If it works, don't fix it.
Have you tried to actually read the posts instead of projecting your shit?

Nu-Zig Forums has an autistic hateboner for any """Brutal""" Doom mod because MUH MOD COMMUNITY PURITY, despite being the type of user who would struggle to name Linguica in a lineup, it's mostly bandwagoning at this point

>568 reviews

So are the enemies sprites or fucked up 3D models? I've seen some footage and to me it looks like the latter, low poly models with ugly as fuck huge fucking pixels.
I really hate this shit. It's not even good low poly, it's not even sprites it's just shitty 3D models with shitty textures, "like momma used to make". Fuck nostalgia baits and fuck people who buy them.

garbage game though. extremely slow compared to even doom 1

BPM could've been great but they made a game about music when the music is all generic and forgettable

>Early Access
I'm gonna wait.

Attached: 1562323522630.png (308x145, 14.39K)

You’re the type of dude to remake an old movie and switch out the main characters for lesbians.

Theyre models but they have a weird algorithm to turn them into sprites on the fly. Its togglable.

8 directional sprites

Did anyone actually played the game? Is the level desing good as in Cacoward winner good?

Into Asgard is a great track and the actual weapons make great percussion.

Hey, if it's an action movie and chicks are hot, fuck yeah.

Attached: Excuse me what the fuck.jpg (545x301, 35.16K)

Ultrakill is the best fps released in the last ten years

The level designer is an award winning DOOM WAD maker.

Now I want a Lord of the flies remake with angry lesbans lolis.

He has it in his ass

This. They're models, not sprites. It looks ugly to me, but at least you can turn it off if you want it to look just like a 3D game.

Yes I know, that's why I'm asking. Did he make a proper job or not?

I'm so tired of intentionally ugly indieshit.

I had the exact opposite feeling. The high poly models look like shit when everything else is superscaled 200p pixelated shit.

Imagine OG Doom (1996) with monster models from 4k Doom Eternal, that's what it feels like.


THe problem with the 3D models are the shitty animations. I think they animated them with 2D in mind and it doesn't translate well to 3D

Attached: 2d_1.webm (1278x710, 2.29M)

Agree with you user, 3D is out of place when all the pickups are already limited to sprites and the models are animated to look good as sprites, not in 3D. Too high poly as well. In spite of what Zig Forumstards say I like how the game looks, just lower the resolution and I'm good.

Rule of Rose

>I like how the game looks, just lower the resolution and I'm good.
No. Prodeus is filled with obnoxious filters, it's even worse than all that post-process effects in modern games.
For an comparison, check Wrath. Clean visuals and a great texture work despite who looks good despite them being low resolution.

Attached: _116_WRATH-Aeon-of-Ruin.jpg (1920x1080, 435.82K)