Stat increase

>stat increase

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You think additive is somehow better?

are you that b o i who lusts for lapis's feet?

>game uses percent stat increases but the percent increases are additive with each other
>but also there's an ambiguity problem when a different kind of percent increase is introduced and you don't know if for example +20% is going to bring your power up from 120% to 140%, 148%, or 128%
>game has two different kinds of flat bonuses, some that come before and some that come after multiplicative bonuses, and the game doesn't even specify that there are two let alone which is which in the moment
>game never actually tells you if stat boosts are additive or multiplicative
>game doesn't tell you if similar or duplicate buffs stack at all, let alone additively or multiplicatively


>damage over time does percentage damage and always kills anything in a set number of turns

>critical strike chance of 50% reduced by 10%
>don't know if it's been reduced to 40% or 45%

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You're retarded then. Multiplicative stat boosts are proportional, so they'll only become better the higher your stats get, while additive increases get exponentially worse. +10 attack when you have 1000 attack stat will always be +10 attack, but +10% attack is 100+ added attack

>damage over time effect lists it's damage per second
>the damage increments themselves aren't per second
>the damage increments themselves also aren't listed at all in terms of frequency or damage

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Additive is way worse. At least with multiplicative you always know how much it increases your damage. Good balance of both is the best though.

He may have meant worse from a design perspective and not necessarily from a Rae power perspective. I.e. games with multiplicative power stacking ball out of control into shitty games of rocket tag/touch of death where leads snowball exponentially and comebacks are unheard of.

>stat increases by a flat number
>game won't tell you what the stat does

That's one hell of a leap in logic

>does damage equal to X% of the target's missing health
>over time
>doesn't tell me if the damage values compound on each other and are determined at the time of damage or are uniform and determined when the ability is initially used

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>increases determination by 200
>increases willpower by 140
>increases direct hit by 70
>increases wisdom by 69
>increases adaptability by 80
>increases attunement by 50
>increases penissize by 6

>increase critical strike chance
>increase critical strike damage

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I remember in HoN the regen/dot numbers were originally over 5 seconds or something equally retarded instead of 1 like in every other game ever.

>ambiguity over additive or multiplier effects
>game then uses both
Gets me every time
Fucking PoE spreadsheet simulator

>x% of health damage
>reduced by innate resistances

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>the critical strike damage increase is objectively a larger dps increase than the critical strike chance increase
>but it doesn't feel as fun

Kinda wish they were the same stat and when you hit whatever determined threshold for % to crit (whether they allow you to go full 100% or cap it lower) it then rolls over into your crits doing more

At least poe uses different wording to distinguish between additive/multiplicative so you usually know what you're getting.

if you're talking about who I think you're talking about he probably doesn't post on Zig Forums

>x% of health damage

This one's always my favorite when it doesn't specify % of target health or % of player health.

If latter it's god-mode tank gear.
If former it's god-mode ANTI-tank gear.

>deals damage equal to X% of your opponent's missing health
>deals damage increased by X% for every 1% of your opponent's missing health
>deals double damage if the opponent is below 50% health
League of Legends why do you insist on having so many similar but ultimately different forms of damage calculation?

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Sounds like warframe
God this game is a fucking mess

>DoT does 100 damage every second
>other DoT does 50 damage every half second
>don't know enough about the game system to know if these are equal or if one is superior and if so which

>Diminishing returns kick in

>Flat changes come first and multipliers come second, regardless of whether they're for incoming or outgoing damage

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>steven universe

>outright kills target under a threshold, unless they aren't in which case it does half that amount as damage


>Game uses percentages for skill damage so for example an attack will deal 300% of your base damage or a shotgun blast would deal 8x75% base damage.
>The game is ambiguous over whether some items scale off of you base damage or the damage multiplier percentage of skills and other items. Some items will deal damage based on the attack that procced them but others will deal damage based off of your base damage.
>Every item also scales differently when getting more of them and you can’t check how they stack without going into a menu outside of the main game.
Goddamn Risk of Rain