How did Rockstar do it?

How did Rockstar do it?

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A fuck huge development cycle by one of the biggest vidya companies in the industry.

horrible textures
copypasted clutter
no dense foliage


Imagine if the average consumer wasnt a shit eating retard, think about the kind of games we might have right now.

I get you can walk around and look at things, but aren't the actual mission's ridiculously linear and restrictive, though? Like, walk 10 feet in the wrong direction and you auto-fail?


boring as fuck.

Make a really boring game? First they started by focusing on graphics over making the game fun

I like the game but they made some really reatrded design decisions like heavily scripting all of the missions instead of allowing for proper sandbox approaches.
It would be fun if the game gave you objectives, a tool selection and then leaves the rest up to the player.
Instead even the slightest deviation from the scripts results in a game over where other games let you live and deal with the consequences of your fuckups or reward for creative thinking and alternative solutions.
Some things still can be scripted for story reasons, but here even completely unnecessary things are thoroughly laid out for you.
Also it doesn't make much sense to lock some weapon sidegrades up until the very end of the game where you get to use them for like 4 missions.


It's been a while since I played it but my impression at the time was there was a pretty wide variance in terms of mission freedom. Some mission, like escort or trailing mission, obviously required you to follow a certain path, but even then you could take shortcuts through fields or river if you wanted to risk it, which I did a few times. I'm relatively critical of big studio games, and in spite of a few flaws and token characters RDR2 was probably one of the greatest games of all time.

100 hours a day.

Leftism leading to intellectual degradation, allowing SO PRETTY media such as "The Avengers" and "Red Dead Redemption 2" to become the biggest media releases of all time.
(((They))) have the libs mind fucked with this shit.

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The story missions definitely could have used some options like that, but at the same time its not like that's ever been a consideration in rockstar games. The open sandbox is for the 99.99% of the game that isn't the story missions.

>intellectual degradation
>can only communicate in buzzwords, memespeak, and capeshit metaphors
Glass house living faggot get the fuck off my board.

>The open sandbox is for the 99.99% of the game
There is nothing interesting about the sandbox stuff though.

Zig Forums is right wing, shill.
Glow harder

You don't have a clue what you're talking about and I know because you think The Avengers movies could be considered "SO PRETTY"

unlimited money

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>There is nothing interesting about the sandbox stuff though.
I disagree.

Don't give (You)'s to the low effort crossboarding shitposters, it just encourages them.

Is this game not gonna get a 60fps upgrade for the ps5?

People watch Marvelshit for special effects, just like people play Rockstar games for MUH GRAPHICS


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I haven't heard anything about a re-release. But I assume its just a matter of time.

Infinite budget
8 years development time
Development team of over a thousand people

The only possible game that will ever rival RDR2 in size is GTAVI, and even that is doubtful because lots of the old Rockstar staff is now gone.

years of working on the wool to put over people's eyes, being ''production values'', to hide the shallow boring pos cinematic trash that's underneath

Like what?
Shoot deer, rob train, shoot up o'driscoll camp, play poker?
The worst part is the exploration since you stubmble upon set pieces that are empty since they are used later in a mission.
Oh cool I found a cave behind a waterfall, time to explore!
Turns out it was part of a sidequest and the yellow stuff was supposed to poisen me, but didn't outside the mission.
And it's supposed to hold a relic there, but it only appears after going through a checklist of finding all dreamtachers.

Oh cool and empty house, maybe there's something interesting there!
Doors are locked, can't even blow them up with dynamite, oh yeah another sidequest location, how stupid of me.
There's plenty of other examples like that.

>mission's ridiculously linear

If you are refering to main story missions most of the time they are linear, in some missions you get to use stealth or start shooting everyone. Stranger missions give you a little more freedom.

It really depends on the mission, as a rule any time you have other gang members with you if you wander off or try to rush things the game will kill them and you fail.

do what, make a game worse then the original with the most ovious story ive ever seen lacking all subtlety and shittier AI then all of their previous games exept maybe gta 5. And sidenot Red dead redemption was my favorite game and is still probably i my top 3

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>Turns out it was part of a sidequest and the yellow stuff was supposed to poisen me, but didn't outside the mission.
>Oh cool and empty house, maybe there's something interesting there! Doors are locked, can't even blow them up with dynamite, oh yeah another sidequest location
Them fucking with exploration in this manner is typical rockstar dickishness, and it pissed me off as well.
They should take a fucking cue from Bethesda.