Attached: fin.jpg (1080x1080, 128.91K)

>Yu looks exactly the same because he's a vampire
>Teddie became twice as much of a twink
>What the fuck happened to Kanji?
>the girls all got huge tits

Yukiko best girl!

Attached: Yukiko2.jpg (800x1162, 723.14K)

I see one extra girl on the bottom row. Did Naoto multiply like an amoeba?

This is legit why I dislike Golden ending. Why need to give them shitty new designs? Even worse, everyone is extremely different now while Yu is completely the same. Fucking weird.

hot sweaty tomboy spat sex with chie while I watch through a hidden camera from the comfiness of my room

they grew up, when will you?

that has to be Marie


Attached: 1576170213642.png (1329x1180, 625.9K)

I only played the original P4, who is the black-haired girl with glasses on the bottom?

What level should I be for Mitsuo or whatever the name is for the boss of Void Quest? I've been getting my ass kicked with most of my team at level 35.


Attached: 1597767237825.png (734x756, 743.45K)

Worst girl Marie.

level 40 minimum

I love the __male persona 4 characters like you wouldn't believe. To bad the other half of the cast never add anything to the dynamic of the group who the fuck thoughts Yukiko was an okay idea of a character?


>boring japanese type
>looks literally like your usal AV actress
Boring taste.

>game is all about change and martyring as a person
>now the characters are eternal teenagers and will never be portrayed as anything more than walking caricatures
Oh the irony

There is nothing wrong with boring. Ebin randumbXD girls might be fun for a bit but they do not make good partners. Unless of course you are also an ADHD zoomer faggot.

why can't Chie be real bros

Attached: 1576448463276.jpg (773x659, 29.81K)

She's too submissive

I just beat this last night. Kinda disappointed, I managed to get all rank 10 links except temperance, which was stuck rank 9. I really don't have the energy for a new game plus after like 90 hours.

>chie gets huge knockers
As if she wasn't ALREADY best girl, now she gets an even bigger U P G R A D E

Attached: 1604935970916.jpg (3312x2720, 1.42M)

>>What the fuck happened to Kanji?
He stopped acting like a punk since he's no longer insecure about his hobbies.

>you will never play this as a 17yo in the summer ever again

Attached: baki weak.jpg (1280x720, 78.07K)


>doesn't have an irl fit tomboy gf

Never gonna make it with that attitude, user!

Who's the extra girl at the bottom next to Chie

Attached: 1468810191791.jpg (1280x720, 55.05K)

Yukiko aged like 20 years between these pictures.
Also, my God does timeskip Yosuke dress like a fag. That's the actual Japanese equivalent of a Hawaiian shirt.

Well, it looks like I have some more grinding to do.

I think that it's Marie.

The local weathergirl, no idea why they posed with her, but they did

Timeskip Kanji is so fucking ugly

What is this from, the anime?

both pictures are in the Golden ending.

Top is from the anime, bottom is the actual ending of Golden.

oh dope I gotta finish that.
Does the photo change based off who you fug?

reminder that the necklace chie is wearing was code she's a slut per japanese fashion culture when golden came out