Why is Godot so popular compared to other open-source engines like Stride (formerly Xenko), Torque, Ogre and Panda3D?

Why is Godot so popular compared to other open-source engines like Stride (formerly Xenko), Torque, Ogre and Panda3D?

Attached: 1280px-Godot_logo.svg.png (1280x518, 48.41K)

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It's modern, well documented and easy to adjust to coming from Unity

Because even a mouth breather like me can make things

Attached: godot UV-screen refractor.gif (1023x594, 3M)


AnimationTree and AnimationPlayer seem be lagging the game when I create 500 different enemies.
It's bothering me.

Attached: 1547063962978.jpg (361x370, 19.15K)


It's better than other open source engines but still more frustrating than the paid ones

>when I create 500 different enemies.

Attached: 1603232950042.png (300x250, 80.08K)

Because I might need to spawn 500 enemies or more in a single scene.

I hope that by 4.2 it becomes decent.

is it any good for lowpoly 3d?

this is just retarded tho.
just recycle enemies per area.
instance them per area,
pause them when they are not near.

and how are they even different? probably is the same shit repeated 500 times. theres no need to keep them on the same scene unless your going to have them visible on screen by large chunks. and that probably wont be more than 50.

I think you're just stubborn trying to justify 500 enemies on a scene, when no game ever does this.

I bet you have them all active on the map wasting resources. instead pausing them until you are close to them or at least they are on screen.

optimize your shit. is not the game engine fault.

Attached: 1602202269117.gif (100x100, 19.18K)

3D is still lacking. small top-down games can work but third person or first person games are going to run into performance issues.
It doesn't matter what kind of poly, when it gets too big it's going to stutter.
4.0 is making some major strides in 3D, though we've been saying "The next version for sure will be the one" for a while. Hence the name Godot.

It's okay if you making small scenes, but check Torque3D if you want the best low poly aesthetics.

If you really need that many enemies and they all need to animate then you need to batch the animation states somehow instead of trying to calculate them 500 times every update.

It's perfectly fine for lowpoly, unless you are doing a huge open world game, but then you would need extra optimization even in another engine.
The real stinker is that shadows always look like shit.

What should I use if I want to make games on phones?

it has good ideas, smart architecture details
too bad its c# support is atrocious and learning made up "godot language" isn't worth it

It's the only one even remotely close to being usable. Maybe 20 years from now it will be worth using.

Why the engine has anything to do with artsyle. In this case low poly?

Unless godot forces you live with filtering textures and default light shaders, something it doesn't. The game would look pretty much the same on any engine.

This is like then people complain about sf4 and sf5 like if the engine forced the artist to create awful 3d models.

Create a low poly shit in blender.
Do not filter its textures.
Fix global illumination.

doesn't it let you code in C++ with gdnative or whatever

Godot can.
And can also test or modify shit on the fly with the phone connected.

I think the the idea comes form UE and Unity engines always having a distinct look that often lets you tell what the game is running on, simply because people can't be assed customize the artstyle for their game sufficiently.

>Torque3D for low poly
>not Blitz3D nor DarkBASIC Pro

learn how to mod the quake engine like a real chad

Attached: CHAD.jpg (1080x1331, 97.48K)

Yes, although C++ is incredibly unorthodox to set up.
Also, there's nothing wrong with the C# scripting implementation in Godot as suggests; it's just that GDScript is (for obvious reasons) better integrated within the engine, making you to execute scripts even in the editor and see the changes in real time.
>learning python isn't worth it

It's a mess to step through your code in C#.
Step through is essential to debugging.

I remind you that python was intended to be the main language of the engine but juan an other developers had to ditch this idea due that python itself introduced many problems. memory leanings and shit.

simply put python is not good for game shit.

easier to use
simple responsive UI
easier scripting

One of the few engines where Linux is the primary development platform, Windows is secondary.
Editor, game, it all runs beautifully on Linux.

What's the most successful game made in godot?


Independently, probably Primal Light, by a large studio, Deponia console port, commercially, some random casino software.

>i've never played Dead Rising

Why does it matter?

You can't beat 17 cups of coffee.

And they liked that remake so much they used it as the basis for the PlayStation 4 release.
I wonder if Daedalic will release the source code to the iOS version.

Are you making a Serious Sam ripoff?

It was made in Visionaire Studio:


Only the console port was Godot.

Because there are plenty of dead-end technologies out there that you can't easily tell are dead-ends until late in a project, so having some success stories for the type of game you want to make is important.