2 Full days and stock still the same....

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>Hey guys, I posted it again!

I’ll drive to that mother fucking store right now if it means I don’t have to pay $1,500.

oh nononono bros I thought us xbox fans would be victorious this generation...another console war lost bois...

because everyone is waiting for the Black Firday sales you fukcing neet.


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Yea bullshit just like the smoke

yeah im sure they are dumb faggot nigger ahahaha

Can't I play all the games for it on my PC?

Xbox is for retards
You can play everything on your PC

There's no chance in hell a brand new console will have any kind of price reduction.

Its all sold out fuck you

What are you buying?

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Ignoring the fact that they’re pretty much sold out everywhere, why do you keep posting these images from Reddit?

Mainstays, so furniture

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Y do u care? U own m$ stock or something?

Based on the stores I've called and driven to, seems to be sold out everywhere in and around my city

Is this the same "Switches in stock" autist?

>Can't even find the listing on Amazon
Yeah sure, fully stocked

Xbros..... we got too cocky.............

Is that 79 dollaroos just for a controller?

oh wagie oh wagie we know the stores not open :^)

thats right but they do specials/bundles on games and accessories dipshit. you'd know that if you werent a zoomer faggot


the absolute fucking cope lmaoooo

face it niggers no one wants your shitty microdick console

Pc is for virgins

You ever wonder if some loser actually stopped in front of the stock and took a picture thinking "Hehe this'll show those Xbots look how stupid they look having consoles in stock. Everyones gonna love this!" It's kinda depressing to think about.

$70 or $80 for a controller has been the standard for a while now user

God black friday faggots are the worst. I've never seen anything electronic related to video games get a good deal.

Where is this? I am looking for one and can't find any. Only the scalpers are available.

Ps5 will outsell xbox 3 to 1

The most repeated lie on Zig Forums

They aren't allowed to sell the console until black friday.

Dude sony lost just give up

>cork board on the other side

what's stopping someone with a sturdy knife from cutting through on the other side and taking them?

How much to build a pc that can beat the new Xbox retard

Most console warriors are teens, they tend to do stupid shit like that. Or just autists.

What games can't you play that are noteworthy?

Why do you want to buy a console with no new games? Genuine question.

>hey lets put a console we got a few days ago on sale!


I dont know where you live op, but its sold out at every store near me.

I'd guess you'll have two shelves back-to-back. But usually you don't have to consider shit like that because people in the civilized world don't really do this. But then again, it's a Walmart...

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if you buy consoles at launch you're a retard