Total war warhammer thread

Post your favourites boyos

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Also obligatory. Post your memes

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update when? TW3 when?

wood elf update super late november iirc, we talking 31st, we can expect a trailer in a couple of days is my guess. Game 3 NEVER EVER. jokes aside next year :'c

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pls bost in my bread baggots :'c

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Dwarfs need more stuff. Also kinda nerf the armor and toughness of their base units a bit so that their elites could get some spotlight in multi.

But user, why would you want to nerf their minimum 80 armor! stats, they're fine as they are. stale, but fine. also nothing more pain in the ass than a stack of longbeards coming for you
ironbreakers tank well but don't dish out damage well, they're expensive on top of it too. longbeards do just fine for the frontline

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Because playing against Dwarfs is like throwing rocks at a wall made out of Gromlir, whereas playing as Dwarfs against anyone else is simply you leaving your dudes to murder anything that closes to them while you go make yourself as snack. And all I see are warriors and miners being one half while everything else is the one siege engine and some firing units. Dwarfs need more unit variety on the battlefield and need more of their units and stuff they have in lore to truly shine. They have additionally:
>Rune Guardians
>Rune Golems
>Shard Dragons
>Juggernauts (AKA: something the Steam Tank and Land Ship wished to be but won't)
>War Balloons
>The rest of the Slayer Cult (Dragon and Daemon Slayers, Doomseekers)
Hell, they could add in Runesmith Apprentices as unit regiments, normal Engineers as beefed up Thunderers, Thunderers with Malakai's prototype machine guns, Goblin Hewer as a mass produced unit, and even take the Deathroller from Blood Bowl as a Dawi counterpart to the Skaven Doomflayer. Dwarfs have such awesome stuff, but CA and GW limit it all to their army book and supplemental materials like the Monstrous Arcanum in case of Shard Dragons. And when Warhammer The Old World comes then it will include various historical timelines. Like the 1st Chaos Incursion and the Dwarfs will have their Rune Golems that were mentioned in the War of Vengeance series. They aren't just infantry and warmachines. THEY ARE BRAVE DAWI WITH RUNIC MIGHT AND ENGINEERING AWESOME!

>Because playing against Dwarfs is like throwing rocks at a wall made out of Gromlir, whereas playing as Dwarfs against anyone else is simply you leaving your dudes to murder anything that closes to them while you go make yourself as snack.
based dorfs
>And all I see are warriors and miners being one half while everything else is the one siege engine and some firing units.
Based minimum 80 armour!
>Dwarfs need more unit variety on the battlefield and need more of their units and stuff they have in lore to truly shine.
I wouldn't mind a roster update for dorfs at all even if they've got everything they need
>Rune Guardians
I can see both rune guardians and rune golems implemented
>Shard Dragons
Keep dreaming, thunderbarge for lyff
Looks silly but I can see it be in the game, like a dorf version of steamtanks
What role would they have? miners are already armour piercing what would a drill achieve?
>War Balloons
Kind of wierd they don't already have them, but they already have grudge throwers so idk what a mortar would achieve that grudge throwers don't
what's that?
>normal Engineers as beefed up Thunderers
unit of grudgerakers pls
>Thunderers with Malakai's prototype machine guns
I can see the empire get repeater rifles
>Goblin Hewer as a mass produced unit
what's a goblin hewer?
>Dwarfs have such awesome stuff
agreed, can't go wrong with minimum 80 armour!

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where is everyone when I make BASED warhammer threads :C
did they get removed?

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Hammerers need to stop getting raped in autocalc

>next year
according to whom?

>Hammerers need to stop getting raped in autocalc
Kek is that a problem strictly for hammerers? I know autoresolve can be jank sometimes but I never knew they had it that bad
fucking kek that's rough buddy, who loses against skavenslaves lmfao

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We're not even close to a announcement regarding it, it's just my guess user. it'll be a long while before we get to play it :c

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So who are we getting for Total Warhams 3?

>Chaos Daemons
>Ogre Kingdoms

I'm sure they're going to focus more on finishing the unit roster before having new factions, but I'm just curious as to what's even left before literally every inane piece of nothing has been covered in the FB universe.

miners are already armour piercing what would a drill achieve?
attacking walls, like the other unit with a drill.

holy shit dude... holy fucking shit

>Rune Guardians and Golems
Yep, they should be part of the Runic part of the Dwarfs, preferably with Thorek Inrobrow
>Shard Dragons
Their lore states the Dwarfs put massive Runic Collars on them (because simply slaying them is too good to settle the grudge) and thus part of the Runic part of the Dwarfs (and yeah, forgot to add the Thunderbarge, but this doesn't stop them from having the above two, the Shard Dragons and Thunderbarges...imagine the Runic units making up half the ground forces and the other half being Thunderbarges)
Well there is a mod that makes them look cool
>Miners with Drills
Like what Skaven Warp-Grinders do, but a tad more affordable
>War Balloons
Proto-Thunderbarges and a tad more affordable
Yeah, that's a mystery
Slayers who have bladed chains with axes on their ends and turn infantry into minced meat
Only if Grimm is around as a LL
>Empire get repeater rifles
Already have the Repeater Handguns, but mostly on Outriders
>What's a Goblin Hewer
Malakai's war machine that throws a hailstorm of throwing axes at an enemy and is pretty cool

Many Elgi died I see. A good thing I say.

Don't forget Kislev.

Should I wait for the dlc to do a second Skaven or go ahead with the nuclear plan?

> just my guess
curse you, you seductress.


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wouldn't bet too much on them being implemented

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No need to wait for the WE DLC unless you are intending to play as them. Playing against them probably won't change that much.

Oh ok, I guess that's ok. Do they exist on the tabletop or did you just make that up?

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Ikr, it's insane
>Also that video
fucking kek, blessed tarriff. Pumping out meme videos seemingly everyday

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>Yep, they should be part of the Runic part of the Dwarfs, preferably with Thorek Inrobrow
I read up on thorek and it'd make sense to implement rung guardians and golems along with him. he's the master of runesmithing after all so it makes 100% sense
>Their lore states the Dwarfs put massive Runic Collars on them (because simply slaying them is too good to settle the grudge) and thus part of the Runic part of the Dwarfs (and yeah, forgot to add the Thunderbarge, but this doesn't stop them from having the above two, the Shard Dragons and Thunderbarges...imagine the Runic units making up half the ground forces and the other half being Thunderbarges)
I still hope for thunderbarges more than shard dragons. shard dragons sounds too busted to have in a already meaty as fuck roster. we need flying dread saurian tier units
>Well there is a mod that makes them look cool
based autistic modders
>Like what Skaven Warp-Grinders do, but a tad more affordable
are the warpgrinders expensive? I never thought about their cost
>Proto-Thunderbarges and a tad more affordable
doesn't make much sense because they already have gyrocopters and gyrobombers.. Are war balloons huge units? Sounds like they'd be
>Slayers who have bladed chains with axes on their ends and turn infantry into minced meat
Cool, love me some slayer units
>Only if Grimm is around as a LL
what do you mean? Also who's Grimm?
>Already have the Repeater Handguns, but mostly on Outriders
Nah son, that's regular rifles. we have grenade launchers tho
>Malakai's war machine that throws a hailstorm of throwing axes at an enemy and is pretty cool
Kek that sounds pretty funny. it's ok in my book
>Many Elgi died I see. A good thing I say.
Serves them right for being so smug!
>Don't forget Kislev.

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you'll have plenty of time left before clan moulder gets released user

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source, my ass desu

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