Woke Souls Remake

Woke Souls Remake

Attached: Demon's Souls Remake (1).jpg (1080x1080, 169.2K)

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What did you expect. It's pretty much a requirement at this point in the Western game industry that your vidya must predominantly feature blacks and women

ps5 is now officially in the same boat with sjw cape comics, tumblr cartoons, and woke hollywood. im not white but garbage like this isnt my game. and this is what snoy wants instead of japanese games.

i own all ps consoles but wont buy a ps5.

But... why?

You're a chud.
Joe Biden is president.
Enbies are valid.
Deal *clap* with *clap* it *clap*

because it's about time biiiiiiiiihhhh


same, actually hurts a bit but woke shit is cancer

>japan makes depressed, useless, and waste of space knight black
And this is a problem why?

>being this autistic

Fucking cringe

There are two genders.

>American studio
I just expect these things by now.

OP, it's the PS5. You have to remember who the main demographic is.

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Imagine buying a game made by western developers in 2020 lmao

>Joe Biden is president

The Body Type N™

>give badass jap game to austin-based company to remake
>they fuck it up
did you expect anything less?

Negro's Souls

culture war

oh my god who the hell cares

>allowing a western dev to touch a FromSoft game

They're one of the best devs in the industry for a reason. This whole thing was a mistake. Why on earth would anyone want a niche Japanese cult classic remade through the filter of an american port dev who's never made a good IP of their own. If you missed the original DeS then fine, just go play the original on PS3 or emulate it on PC

If they did the reverse people would want heads to roll. Stop supporting blackwash user.

>the default preset in character creation is black

no....bros.....how could this happen.....i.....

>souls creator can make decent looking black people now
That’s a improvement, turning the best fat clown boy into a literal fat clown was the bullshit for me

black people exist and play video games get over your snowflake ass white fragility ass bitch ass lookin ass

>Zig Forumstards still mad they lost

how many threads now?

Yeah I love ENBs

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i dont understand why you guy's get triggered over something so trivial. jesus fucking christ at least try to work towards something more meaningful in your lives

Don't forget that the evil characters who had dark faces now have white faces.

Niggerfaggots that's why.

You know "chud" is a racial slur right?

Do burgers really?

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>japan makes

Fuck that looks good.

I'm so glad I live in a 99% European country.
Not even racist I just don't find myself compatible with the cancerous culture black people bring about.
They're unlikeable in England, in USA, and surely in Africa, just no thanks.

what that's a game?
I thought it was an uninteresting IRL photo

So you could say that Demon's Souls was truly Dark Souls all along.

How do we stop the Amerimutt menace?

Why do niggers insert the word ass into their speech every chance they can get?

its gta4 with an ENB

Question that doesnt deserve its own thread.

Can I play the original Demon's Souls on the PS5? I want to know if the machine will play eventually Elden ring, bloodborne and demons souls.

I don’t care about it other than the fact it’s dumb to make an unnecessary change like that. And again, the reverse would have people frothing at the mouth so you acting like this is fine is retarded.

You don't blame a cow for being a cow.
Blame Sony for slowly moving over to Ameritopia.

holy fuck.

>implying that user is black

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You faggots complained when Baldurs Gate did it

corporate wokeism is a pure plague.

you will always be white