Holy crap Lois! We're in Family Guy: The Video Game!

Holy crap Lois! We're in Family Guy: The Video Game!

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No vidya, no thread.

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I did not care for the Godfather for the playstation 2

Why not?

Family guy.

Family guy is one of the funniest shows on television. Of course, faggots on this website will disagree because muh edgy contrarianism.

I swear to god, Zig Forums has the shittiest memes in existence.

whoa sneed ahoy

I leave Family Guy on while I go to bed. So comfy.

Why don't you put some effort in your bait for a chance? You fucking faggot.

sneedily sneed

I used to rent this as a kid when I was in my Family Guy phase.

t. South Parkfag

I genuinely love the first 2 seasons, season 3 is fine but it's where things start going downhill

Season 4 is the best and most quotable season. Prove me wrong.

It alright, but it started the downfall.

Is this show actually funny?

it was pretty funny like 20 years ago

It didn't start anything, the writers just got worse.

trash show for middling IQ americans

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Family Guy aged like fine wine
South Park aged like shit

>implying that nu-south park is worse than nu-family guy

I wanna play a mediocre cartoon tie-in game now. What's a decent one to check out for the shits and giggles?

Spongebob just got a remake, go for that.

They all left to work on American Chad.
They had Donkey Kong in the latest episode

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Futurama on PS2

woah, ass ahoy

Nice, pretty much exactly the kinda thing I had in mind.

*ding dong*
can you get that peter?
okay louis
*opens door*
peter who is it
it's Quadmires Mother
Come on in, your son is in the basement

It has a hidden easter egg