I’m not paying $70 for a video game

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good frog

On pure principle or because you can't afford it?

I'm not paying

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Youre not paying for anything, your parents do, kid

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i'm not paying for a video game

Yes you will, chud. You will buy it and say thank you.


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not paying 70$ for a game that I won't even enjoy
make it an upgrade over waht we had 2 decades ago or my best is $20.

not OP but, on principle.

I'm pirating all the video games

Good lad.

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I will never play an Assassin's Creed game.

Yes we get it you are not paying 70$ and you used le funny reddit frog we heard you after the last 100 times.


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Based. Same.

Holy based, I support your endeavors bros

ok frogposter

The new generation is garbage

I know you guys dont care but if you ever do want to, stick to the Ezio games and that's it.

I haven’t been bought a game full price in probably a decade

well fortunately most games that cost $70 are just the usual AAA yearly releases so your not missing much

I can easily afford it, but why would I, ever? $70 is alot of fucking dough, that would be $77 with tax where I live. That's legit a week of groceries for me.

>missing out on the glory that is EXIF auditors.
Your lose

I'm not paying for a video game.

I will say both. Because i am from Slavic country first i am too poor to waste 70$ on shitty game but also too smart to waste 70$ on shitty game.

Thats why i love PC gaming, steam sales, humble bundle, free games from EGS, cheap old games on GOG. Actually i can afford games thanks to these.

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>didn't pay 60 on principle
>didn't pay 50 on principle
>didn't pay 40 on principle
It's because I can't afford it :^)

>company is a jew
>so what? just pay it, support them, they are your friend, haven't you seen their Twitter feed?
>I am a jew
Why the double standard?

It's time to play all those games from previous gens you missed. Good to know the PS4 is my last console. From here on it'll be PC + some old console.

Yup I have about 20 games on my PS4 to finish and a huge backlog of PS2 and PC games on my PC. I’m set for the next few years at least.

>He complains about 70$ games when in reality games cost around 120$ the last couple of years if you wanted to get the complete game.

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Right and that’s a huge problem, hence this thread.

Me neither. Not paying more than $15 for indie games, either.

AAA = $30 or less
Indie = $15 or less

Real question is what game is worth $70?

>Bideo Game costs $70
>it's a highly polished turd with no new mechanics
>angry womyn NPCs yell in all the cutscenes
>don't buy it

>five years later
>on Steam sale for $5
>still don't buy it

what's its name, Zig Forums?

Pirate it, past years im pirating, and enjoy life.

Only buy a Game if you Genuinely like it, or the Multiplayer (Titanfall 2, Minecraft, Watch Dogs etc.) and crack the games you give up playing after the first time (Red dead redemption 2, Half Life Alyx, Mafia Definitive edition, etc.)

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Is $70 the new standard across the board, or is that only on PlayStation?

across the board

Its like $90 in canada LMAO

Witcher 3

>buying ubishit
No user, you are the problem.

$60 was already a hard enough sell but if they’re going to continue to release unfinished games and sell parts of it in DLC or whatever is going on in those dev studios, $70 is too much.

pretty much just Kerbal Space Program
close 2nd place: minecraft





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If only it was ubishit

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based, i'm not buying a shitch either, worthless dust collector

Those are the only ones I played and they were awful. Good to know I'm not missing out on anything.